Simply put -- it sucked.
Reason being?
1. Things promised weren't delivered
2. It felt like OoT
3. Wolf link was stupid and pointless
4."dark" world was also stupid. Games/movies keep trying this, the only game/movie to get it right was The Dark Knight.
5. Wii "MOTION" controls were nothing more than a waggle fest.Haziqonfire
First of all, I would just like to say, calling something stupid is a very weak argument. That gets absolutely nothing accomplished. If I say Zelda is stupid....that desnt really say why I dont like it. So, you should probobly use a different way of saying you dont like the dark world, motion controlls, and wolf link. Oh, and by the way, if you dont like the motion controlls, why did you get a wii, thats kinda what wii was all about.
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