Hey all! Mark here with another blog update. How's everyone doing?
So, not gonna lie, this month has been a big pile of crap for me. I'm usually a "take-the-good-with-the-bad" kind of guy, but when everything's bad, that motto becomes a little hard to live by :P. First off, I've been sick with pretty much everything humanly imaginable this month. I came down with the flu a couple weeks back, which wouldn't have been that big a deal (I'm in my senior year of high school and have already been accepted to my local community college, so I couldn't care less about missing days at this point), except I missed my 2nd-degree black belt test at my karate. If that wasn't bad enough, this is officially my LAST month at karate, at least indefinitely. So I won't be able to make up the test for a long time, if at all. Leaving karate in general kind of sucks. I've been taking it for nearly 12 years, and made a lot of good friends there. But with new responsibilities like getting my license, finding a job, college, making time for my girlfriend, etc. it would just become a nuisance.
So what else sucked this month? Well, I had a full week of driving school over vacation. 30 hours of non-stop note-taking and lecturing and after-school specials, essentially. Wouldn't have been completely unbearable, if I hadn't been sick with some type of stomach virus the entire week. Let's just say this.........lots of d-aria. Ugh.
So yeah, I could go into further detail why this month should go hang itself, but I'll spare you. Anyways, enough about my pathetic life. Let's talk movies! When I was regularly active on Gamespot a half-decade ago, I'd post a list of my most anticipated movies of each year's summer. So, that's what I'm gonna do today. Here we go-
1. X-Men: Days of Future Past
Even with the Bryan Singer scandal nonsense bouncing around the media, my hype for this movie has not been extinguished one bit. X2 has remained one of my favorite superhero films of all time, and if Singer has brought that same kind of confidence and creativity to the table this time around, sitting in that theater will be heaven for me. Also, Jennifer Lawrence's blue boobies. Me likey.
2. Godzilla
I grew up watching the Godzilla movies with my dad, so going to see this one with him will probably evoke a lot of fond memories. On top of that, this movie looks legitimately GOOD. Bryan Cranston and Kick-Ass vs. The King of Monsters. Get me into that theater now.
3. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
The Apes reboot/reimagining/prequel that came out back in 2011 was a surprisingly great action romp, and this sequel looks like it'll be the same. I demand an Oscar for Andy Serkis already!
4. Guardians of the Galaxy
Marvel's biggest gamble to date could go either way on the quality scale. I'm just hoping it tilts to the awesome side, because I think it looks like a creative blast.
5. How to Train Your Dragon 2
Don't judge me! The first one was great.
Well, that's all for today, folks. I'll posting again ASAP. See ya around!
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