This is a real shame. Don't do this Konami! I have played Silent Hill 2, 3, The Room, Homecoming, Shattered Memories, and Downpour. I haven't been this immersed in a Silent Hill game since 2. I enjoyed it even more than 3, because Heather was a jerk. I really connected with Murphy, and I loved the side quest/exploration option. I admit the game was buggy, but it was definitely playable. They need to remember that neither Team Silent or the original composer, Akira was involved in this. So considering that, this game is amazingly well made.
I'm so torn by this project. Big Boss is great and all, but I want Solid Snake back. Bring him back to his former glory! They aged him prematurely. I feel cheated. If he had starred in Metal Gear Solid 2, I would be satisfied. But he only had TWO modern games. Big Boss has had 4! (3 psp games) Yeah they sound the same and look the same, but its not him.
Spiderman is NOT Batman, or Wolverine, or even Superman. He has a sense of humor, and Stan Lee does too. Spiderman is the last well rounded superhero left. He is for all gamers. All the rest have either been turned in bloodfests, or are too shallow.
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