@Tak666 @foukaish Well excuse me but i don't think that a subjective personal opinion (yours) is more accurate and descriptive of the situation than the official statistic of an international economic organisation.
Get over the fact that your personal opinion doesn't matter at all. After all a couple of weeks in a foreign country does not make you an expert.
PS: I do not understand why you had to resort to calling my comments BS. I find your attitude immature, at least
@ @blackrunie Well, that wouldn't be THAT bad... considering that a HUGE part of that debt is actually money spent for buying military equipment that we do not use/need (NATO obligations, Turkey's constant but fictional and partly constructed threat).
Also, guess where most of that money went: USA, Germany and France. So, please, do your own research before you resort to generalizations and insult us. I would suggest googling "military expenses greece" and checking the huge amounts of cash that left our country in the past decades
@Tak666 Please do your own reasearch before posting things you hear on TV, insulting that way a whole nation.
Search, if you like, in google: Average annual hours actually worked per worker
The first result is the official statistic of OECD. There you will find out that the Greeks are the fourth hardest working after the Mexicans, the Koreans (South obviously) and the Chileans
foukaish's comments