I would suggest NGS since it feels like a very unique game (Devil May Cry + Ninja action = NGS). RB6 does not seem like a great FPS to me. I'm used to playing COD, not tactical shooters- but online, "tactical" seems to mean "camp." Also the game is blurry when I play (I have a 4096 samsung 1080P and it runs all other Blu-Rays and games fine). I don't know if others experience this too but the bluriness annoys the crap out of me. It isnt horrendous but it is definetly noticable and makes it difficult to discern distant objects. Go NGS, RB6 is nothing we haven't seen before and I have not seen anything special about its online feature.(The blurriness is constant and I am not referring to the blur that occurs when you take damage).
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