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fractal343 Blog

so close to videogamearama

this coming tuesday is my 4 hour comprehensive final.  its the first one of many in my second year of medical school.  i will have studied for it for a straight week.  it is sucking so hard.  BUT, once it is over, i get two blissful months of summer, and hope to finish twilight princess and paper mario in short order.

i cant wait!

i got a wii

i got a wii!  it is my gift to me to surviving the first year of medical school.  already loving the zelda and the the wii sports.  my friend neurogrrrl has been playing it, but claims her favorite thing is making more miis.  ha!

shout out to zoo3

thanks to zoo3 for my new banner and icon graphics.  no way i could have come up with something that cool.  it is a riff off of a sierpinski triangle, which is of course a fractal, and a reference to my username.  it looks simply fantastic.


so, i just wanted to have a blog entry. im dangerously close to buying a 360, but im afraid that i will fail out of medical school if i get one. its a tough call.