@edub272: I kinda sorted this out by switching to American servers pool. It was German by default. Ping jumped to 170 from 70 but it was still very playable. I like game so far. Finished single player and now playing multiplayer. Very good game, much better than Battlefront 1 or Battlefield 1. Still appreciate gamers fighting for their rights.
@edub272: Actually there is shortage of players. I'm trying to play it at 10:00 AM GMT+4 and there are no players. Game joins you to a match and then you can wait and wait and wait, I waited 30 minutes and match didn't start.
@BassMan: Game wasn't that f.cked up at launch. But now it is really fucked up. At least automatic weapons. I doubt I'll buy any BF anytime soon. Buying a game enjoying it and then out of nowhere DICE decided to break game mechanics. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
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