Today has been a very good day for me in both life and in video games. So Im going to tell you all about it the best way.
-Today is July 4th, Independence Day, and it was good luck on my side. How? I didn't blow any of my fingers off when I was lighting fireworks with a few of my friends and my baseball coach. You see my coach sells fireworks and he had some leftover and he brought them to the field and we lit them off the whole night. Quite fun and lucky no one died.
-So today I felt good. I woke up and had my bowl of Honeycomb and I was thinking what game I was going to play after I'm done. My decision at first was Vegas 2 cause thats awsome and me and Pooptart(Gearhead) have been playing alot of it together recently, but no I needed to beat Qu3bed once and for all. BAM! 14,175 was the final score I got. 100% GTA IV Complete. Total Playtime 79 hrs 29mins and 32secs.
-After that I played Vegas 2 with the Pooptart and I did extremly well and got a couple of achievements in the game. The first being Get 100 kills with a Light Machine Gun, Second, Get 500 kills total. So my gamerscore rose quite a bit today. BTW I'm back in the Vegas mood so If any of you want to play just let me know.
-After Vegas I had to go mow, so I am $20 closer to getting my PS3. I mowed 2 laws and one of the guys wasn't there this week and last week so he will owe me $45 next week. Speaking of money I have $345 out of $475. $130 more bucks.
-I wanted to play a game and listen to this weeks Giant Bombcast so I was examining my games and Call of Duty 4 caught my attention. I popped it in and played one multiplayer match and got bored so I was going to try and complete the level "Charlie Don't Surf" on Veteran difficulty and would you look at that I beat it my first try.
-Finished watching Season 3 of Lost and have watched 4 episodes of Season 4. I love this show!!