My name is Dan, I would consider myself a hardcore gamer. I have been playing games since I was around two. My partents bought me the original Nintendo, stuck me in a closet, and I was good for a long time. My hobbies include Playing Video Games, (Duh) Playing basketball, and hanging out with friends. My favorite t.v shows consist of Attack of the Show, X-play, Family Guy, South Park, The Colbert Report, The Daily Show with John Stewart, Cops, Red vs Blue, Rescue Me, and many more. My favorite tames of all time are the Grand Theft Auto series, Halo seires, Farcry series, almost any game with Mario in it, Metal Arms: Glitch in the System, Phsconaughts, Gears of War, Splinter Cell series, Mercenaries, and again, many more My favorite movies consist of, well the best 3 movies, I think, of all time. The Departed, 300, and Hot Fuzz. Well thats basicly all about me, ya I know it sound boring, but your the one reading it. Hope I play with you sometime
Freakout21 ;)
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