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Movie Loot

When it comes to movie loot, you just can’t beat gold bars. As I surf the web reading about how horrible the San Francisco Giants are and movie updates on John Carter Warlord of Mars, Frank Miller’s 300, and Iron Man, I have the latest version of The Italian Job on. I’m not really paying attention, but I did look up long enough to see some fine gold bars. I do love me them gold bars. Ever since Clint Eastwood and Donald Sutherland (24’s Kiefer’s sire) and Telly Savalas teamed up to empty out a bank’s gold bar vault in the WWII movie Kelly’s Heros, I’ve just always wanted one. Is there any better movie loot? Briefcase full of cash? Vatican bonds? Diamonds and pearls? please. I will however give a nice runner up nod to a trunk full of Krugerrands.