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fred_for_brains Blog

NEW wii channel!

AND IT'S... the wii vote channel, or somthing. Anyway, I think I'M the first one to know! And I can prove it! The first world wide poll is : which do you like more? dogs or cats?


I think I'm slow on realising this one, but it would seem that union invites are the new spam... I get FAR too many, how many do you get (all one of you out there, i know your here I can hear you posting ;)?

Interesting site....

After a couple of near-pointless posts, I have managed to find somthing whoever actually reads this interesting! A website dedicated to the making and showing offing of box art! I'm preparing my own little thing to give them. Also, there NES boxart seems the most inspired. Here's the site:


Why does everyone seem to be saying that a hard-core gamer has to be in to HD? Is it just all the fans of the PS3 and the XBOX360 trying to rub out the Wii? I just don't get it! The NES didn't have the greatest graphics, and it had 98 percent of the market! 98! So really, in my opinion, people might as well forget the whole argument till things begin and we see which console sells the best. Example: gameplay+innovation+moderate graphics= AWESOME. Example 2: graphics+gameplay+high price= Yay? Example 3:graphics+gameplay+minor innovation= Hooray! (PS: put in order of each company's concentration) Say what you will to my conclusion, but that's how I see things as they are now.

Which Console Will Be Succsessful?

I'm just asking for a thought out opinion, not fighting and ranting between fans of the Wii, PS3 and XBox360. So please, send in your opinions, but be sensible (I'm talking to you, all one person who actualy posts on my Blog:).

Mario: The End Of An Era

With the video game market seeming to want violent video games, there could potentaly BE a huge market for E rated games. Now beffore you start scratching your head thinking "what on earth is that crased mad man thinkiing?" Consider this: Violent games get boring after a while, due to the fact that they just sort of continue the same "shoot man 1 without man 2 getting you as you go in to dark, depressing room 4" patern. And please note that is an observation of freinds playing violent games, not my own opinion 9If it was mine, this blog entry would be pointless!). Which brings me to my topic line; Mario. He started in a era of video gaming where the world accepted games that were-off-the-wall strange and had little plot to back them up. And even then there were violent games, and they were popular as well (example: Death Race). But now, I feel that we are forgetting the wonderous world that is games like Mario, Sonic, and the many other series with silly, strange, games. Yes, There are still some good, poopular E-games of the adventure jonra (like Pikmin and Animal Crossing) But the qontity of such games is falling. For example, the Mario Games had a noticable dip (Super Mario Sunshine) Recently. Why has the quantity gone down? why has the quality gone down? Because there getting ignored, and being considered 'kids games' (and anyone who has gotten 120 stars in super mario 64 knows such is not true). And by thinking of E-Games as kids games, They BECOME just that. So, if everyone were to open there hearts to that sort of an idea, I believe the video gaming industry would be a better place. (PS:Soryy for the two rant-ish things in a row! :-)

Must All Video Games Be Violent?

Well, with all the video games we have today, it would seem that this world can no longer accept (other than some simulations and such) non-violent E-rated games. What I think the world could use is a sort of 'video game ethics' for the world. An example is a racing game; smashing up the cars is fun, but do you realy need to run over people and see their blood spill everywhere to have fun in a racing game? Or how about the new 'Tony Hawk' game for the Wii? It's fun to go crazy; jumping off insane hights and amazing jumps, but do you need to be able to run over a person on the sidewalk and (once again) see their blood go everywhere? Granted, it isn't as bad as bad as in the racing games, but it doesn't NEED that to be fun. With video game ethics, the different types of games would namley what they were, not violent. However, beffore you start throwing rotten tomatoes at the computer screen, just think: is it really necessary?