Must All Video Games Be Violent?
by fred_for_brains on Comments
Well, with all the video games we have today, it would seem that this world can no longer accept (other than some simulations and such) non-violent E-rated games. What I think the world could use is a sort of 'video game ethics' for the world. An example is a racing game; smashing up the cars is fun, but do you realy need to run over people and see their blood spill everywhere to have fun in a racing game? Or how about the new 'Tony Hawk' game for the Wii? It's fun to go crazy; jumping off insane hights and amazing jumps, but do you need to be able to run over a person on the sidewalk and (once again) see their blood go everywhere? Granted, it isn't as bad as bad as in the racing games, but it doesn't NEED that to be fun. With video game ethics, the different types of games would namley what they were, not violent. However, beffore you start throwing rotten tomatoes at the computer screen, just think: is it really necessary?