Stay Out! That means you, Raimundo!Today we went to get the Reversing mirror and the worst thing happened! Raimundo and Jack had a Xiaolin Showdown and Raimundo won. We told him what a great job he did, but he totally ditched us for the Heylin side. He took the lotus twister, the Golden tiger claws and the reversing mirror to Wuya! Poor Omi thought Raimundo was setting up a plan, but then Rai came back and it seem like he was taking all of the shen-gong-wu, but he only took the Serpents tail! Wuya had held up the reversing mirror as Rai used the Serpent's tail! The results? The Heylin ghost became a Heylin witch! She had flesh and everything! It was horrible! We had just barely defeated Mala Mala Jong! As if we weren't tired enough already! This is gonna be haaaaa-----
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