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Take the Avatar test

Take this test and see what character you are.


What is your most important keepsake?

A) My uh, arrows?

B) My necklace

C) My Boomerang

D) My feet

E) My lotus tile

F) I knew you were going to ask that 


Were going to the beach. You can only bring one thing.

A) I don't know

B) Great! I can practice waterbending there! Oh, I'll bring a towel!

C) some fresh water

D) (sarcastically) great....sand. I'll bring rocks

E) A nice lunch for a picnic

F) It's going to rain. I'll bring an umbrella


When were you born?

A) Over a hundred years ago

B) 14 years ago

C) 15 years ago

D) 12 years ago

E) Between 16 and 70 years ago

F) between 16 and 70 years ago


What is your goal in life?

A) defeating our enemy

B) helping him learn to defeat our enemy

C) I'm just with them

D) same as B)

E) just live to protect and teach my nephew

F) Help the people of my town


What is so special about you?

A) I'm the Avatar

B) I'm a water bender

C) I have a boomerang. and a ponytail.

D) I see by Earthbending

E) Fire bending isn't specail, but mastering it is

F) I can see into the future

Your done! Now send me your answers and I will tell you who you are. Also, tell me if you want me to tell everyone else about your Avatar personality.Thighmaster