There are also special things... tricks to know when rendering game in stereoscopic vision...instead of rendering 3d graphics... in stereoscopic vision processors renders 2d graphics... but those simple 2d images (one for each eye) put together create 3d... your brain process it instead of the computer...
fredthekeb's forum posts
... this is not a proper answer...Didn't you posted a thread about this a few hours earlier?
... having small lcd screen mounted in front of your eyes is the only way to have a complete virtual experience because the projected 3d virtual world is following your head... you have to physically look around you to see in real time your virtual world surrounding.... and those enemies walking toward you... in 3d... and getting bigger... you are physically in your room ... but you look around you and there is no escape...We can talk once this is possible =P...but its possible... what dont you understand???... games are already made in 3d... so the need for a headset... the tracking device is already selling... this possible... we just need a LCD Headset... simple small lcd screens... you know?[QUOTE="fredthekeb"]
I don't like the idea of having LCDs mounted on my head.
...why dont you answer the subject???:|Didn't you posted a thread about this a few hours earlier?
Just add a lcd headset to the Kinect tracking system and you have the perfect virtual reality platform...
It's not the future. If anything, it's a side step to traditional gaming as we know it. Motion gaming hasn't over taken traditional gaming, but it's a nice addition to it and mixes things up. Some genre's of games are better suited using a traditional control scheme - while others excel more with motion controls like the Wiimote.Haziqonfire... all you have to do is to put two small lcd screens together mounted in front of your eyes... this with motion control make it the ultimate virtual platform... recommanded for hardcore gamers only8)
[QUOTE="hippiesanta"]I, along with most players, won't have 3d as a viable option to us. I will probably play on my Xbox or PS3, depending on which console runs the game better. ... Why do you talk for most players???... let them express themself...note: PS3 version also availiable in 3D
From what I remember a lot of people got bad motion sickness and headaches from the basic virtual reality setups you used find in arcades and malls, don't know if that was to do with the old tech or a fundamental problem with virtual reality. Also the Virtual Boy system bombed horribly, maybe that's putting the manufacturers off.Elutheria... it can surely be technically... we are 15 years away from virtual boy... electronics have evolve enormously and are better and cheaper than ever... you cant compare today technologies with virtual boy....
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