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Resident Evil Discussion-Part 2

Hi guys, it's been a reeeeaaaaaaaally long time since I posted anything due to technical and human issures, but never mind about that now...I'm finally posting the second part of my RE discussion so let's get it on shall me?

Okay this is gonna be a lot shorter than the last one so don't worry...and even if it was, it would be worth it if you're a RE fan like me :)

So to summarize the most important things about the Resident Evil series they are as follows:

1-An intense yet exciting atmosphere were the main character is alone in a hostile environment with a lot of things out to get him or her, usually in a creepy set of locations throughout the game.

2-Every part of the game should feel new and very different from the previous one(this was especially apparent in RE4).

3-A long play time for the single player story mode(remember RE4 took around 20 hrs to finish on our first playthrough).

4-Exciting and epic boss fights that are nothing short of intense and panic inducing.

5-Careful attention to detail(in both graphics and story telling)

All these elements contributed to making the RE series a very successful and popular one. However, if you noticed that Resident Evil 5 was very different from the previous games and lacked all the above mentioned points.

So why has the RE series strayed that much from the true path?...well I'm not gonna answer that here, this blog here is about what should Capcom do to correct this and save our beloved games that we all grew up playing and enjoying.

And the answer is simple: Read the above!...Seriously just look at what made the early RE games that great and make a new game that stands up to the reputation of the series. Think about it this way: when you make RE6(if that is what you are gonna call it) take the same approach that you did when you made Street Fighter IV, go back to the roots. That is the simple formula, the rest is up to you...I trust that the people who made great games like Megaman and Okami can go back to what they used to do best...

I'm still waiting to hear some(hopefully) good news about my favourite game, wish you all the best.:)

6 Months without a PS3 :(

Hi everyone...and yes it's been six months since my PS3 YLOD'ed on me for the 4rth time...but hey, I've been keeping myself busy dusting off my old PS2 and remembering some incredible games like FFX, FFXII, Okami, Fatal Frame III, Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil Code Veronica X,and God of war.

So that's okay, but I'm bored again and I'm starting to consider if the old PSone still works and it doesn't seem that I'm gonna buy a PS3 anytime soon so I'm trying so hard to keep myself busy...

But the truth is it's hard when you grow up playing games and suddenly you get cut off from it all, but I guess that's just how life is...

Another point is that a lot of great games are coming to PS3 this year: Dead Space 2, Little Big Planet 2, Mortal Kombat 9, Final Fantasy XIII-2, and maybe the last guardian and FFVsXIII(but unlikely). I guess the best thing to do in my case is to watch video walkthroughs on youtube and that might give me some feel to the games...but we all know that playing is different from watching right?

If there is anyone out there who suffered as I am from being unable to practice his favourite hobby(gaming :)) I say: you not just have to be patient...


New Silent Hill game...?!

Hi guys, just a quick question: Does anyone have anyinformationabout the new Silent Hill game that was announced at this years E3?...What's it gonna be about and more importantly: is it gonna be as crappy as homecoming or as great as Silent Hill 2 and SH3?

I haven't heard or read anything about it in a while:( if anyone knows anything I'd appreciate it if u please share it...thanks in advance:)

Final Fantasy XIII review (kinda)...and some ranting.

Hi guys, it's me again, I've been wanting to write this for some time now but was too lazy to do it. Anyway here it goes:

Final Fantasy XIII, a game that I was waiting for for about five years and finally got to play it on my PS3 and thankfully finished it right befored it YLOD'd on me for the first time(it's been four time till now). Of course after playing games that I always loved back on older generation consoles and seeing how these great franchises "evolved" on current generation consoles left me with a lot to be worried about, DMC4 wasn't as good as it was supposed to be, Silent Hill Homecoming was a disaster IMO and Resident Evil 5 was a real disappointment. All this made mevery worried how Final Fantasy XIIIwill turn out to be.

So what happened to FFXIII? OK guys I played it, and it was alot of fun and I enjoyed it very much, HOWEVER, that only applies to the game as a game in itself, BUT as a Final Fantasy game, it turned out to be more like a miniature final fantasy...a very short version of a real final fantasy game...Ok, I'll explain:

The game had the right artstyle and epic story elements in addition to nice music and beautiful graphics(especially the FMV's), however it lacked some important things that make a final fantasy game so special:

1-Story wise: despite creating a great new world for the game, the developers failed to use it to the max, instead the story only focused on the progression of the characters(which is done well), but no real focus was shed on the environments or the events happening around those characters. Also there are no noticable side characters that you see in every FF game.

2-Gameplay wise: it's been said before and I'll say it again: the game is so damn linear, and although I don't necessarily consider linearity a bad thing but, in this game it is done in a very annoying manner, every chapter from the 13 different chapters in the game feel the might look a bit different but it plays the same, a set of long narrow corridors that connect the beginning and the end of the level or chapter...with the EXCEPTION of chapter 11 of course where you'll FINALLY get a nice big area with a lot of branching paths. But let's be honest here, that's a long time for a game to open up.

3-Every FF game has a wide range of various creatures or monsters, however in FFXIII they are very few and most of them are different versions of the same creature.

4-As for the character development system: the crystarium is a very fun and accessible means to grow your characters but it is so narrowed down into only three stats: HP, Strengh, and Magic.

5-The side quests are a big attraction in every FF game, and here it is taken away, only a chocobo-riding-treasure-hunting-mini game and a set of side missions are scattered throughout chapter 11.

All these remarks and more not just from this game but others too confirm my theory that big games are being toned down for the sake of trying to make them run on other consoles, as you can see FFXIII has been shortened considerably in order to run on the XBox360, and even at that it still took 3 disks there. But why do developers still keep doing that to our favourite games and messing with them? probably money, and that's the harsh reality that sadens me as a gamer and makes me pessimistic about the future of gaming.

Ohh, I miss older games.:(

Too Old?...Naaaaaah!...No way!

Hi everyone, I was just thinking, is there a certain age limit to playing games? I can answer for my self but I just like to share some thoughts with everyone, I've been crazy about video games since I was like maybe five years old or so...that's the days of the Atari and such (I'm thirty years old), and chatting with a lot of gamers I can certainly point out thatthere are alot of people older than me that still play games ... even more than me.

Another point that should be taken into consideration is the fact that games changed alot since the eighties, it might have been more directed towards kids and teenagers, but games today cover a much wider range of people of different ages, some of them are kids, adults, and ofcourse girls play games too(alot of people out there are still convinced that games are just for boys), and some other gamers are married people withkids and they enjoy gaming as a family...(how sweet is that?lol), of course you have to consider the rating for each game but that's another issue.

So please stop telling me that I'm too old to play games, I enjoy it and it makes me happy. So LEAVE ME ALONE!...ahem...heheh, sorry about that, just having a bad week, forget about it.

So, I would like everyone to share his or her thoughts about the issue, you are welcome to agree or disagree(it's ok, I won't get upset :) )

E3 is coming...soooo?

Hi everyone, you know now after having my PS3 YLOD'd on me (for the third time), I have survived without gaming for almost four days now but I'm so bored so I'll blog...what else to do...BUT there is a good reason for blogging now, since E3 is so close and last year's E3 was hot, a lot of people are looking forward to what are your expectations:positive or negative...let it all out.

As for me, well actually I'm not really very see, games these days are not as good as previous generation console games, I've been playing games forever and only two series kept me hooked like no other games could: The Final Fantasy and Resident evil series...and the latest installments in these two where below my expectations. I'll blog more on the matter later(maybe), but if I have to name a few games that I'm interested in and hoping to see more from at E3 are: Dead Space 2(please don't ruin it),The Last Guardian, Blazblue: Continuum Shift, Metal Gear Rising,and hopfully Final Fantasy Versus XIII.

Of course there are others but very unlikely:a new Resident Evil game, Bayonetta 2, Final Fantasy VII remake(yeah, I Know it's a long shot), and Ninja Gaiden III (please no more team missions). Ahhh I can dream.

Soooo, let me know what you think, and enjoy gaming.:)

Thoughts on Bayonetta:)

Hello fellow gamers, I hope everyone is doing fine. So, I've been playing Bayonetta for some time now, but I'm too lazy to write a full review so I'll just share some thoughts here;

When I first saw the trailers for this game I thought: meh, a cheap DMC rippoff, but when I actually played it...Wow, what a change of mind, it actually plays fact, it actually plays better than DMC4which was a bit disappointing to be honest(the only reasonI gave it a high score is that there was nothing better or even worth playing when it was released), the battle system, the level design and the weapons, accessories and abilities they grant, all participate to make it a well worthy game especially forfight action game fans.

On the downside,I still find the main character a bit...well, annoying, she just keeps talking arrogantly towards her enemies, and seems not to care about the dangers around her, shedoesn't seem to take anything seriously even when she should, and that puts a distance between her character and the atmosphereof the story.Not to mention that this attitude affected the style of the game and addedsillyness to the whole experience, it even affected the music(although some tracks werereally awsome).

Just a quick note: why do they make you fight angels? do game makers wanna mess with our heads to make us hate everything that represents virtue and goodness and on the other side show us that demons and evil are fun, cool and awsome?! I mean it's ok for me coz I'm an adult, but for everyone out there with kids be careful in the games you let your kids play, most games these days contain adult material and should be taken notice of...Ahhh anyway, it's not the issue here, BUT that brings me AN IDEA....!!I hope in Bayonetta2 we will be fighting demons in addition to "bad" that would spice the story up!maybe the demons will betray bayonetta and turn against her or something like that...hmmm the possibilities!

Anyway, all in all Bayonetta is really fun and worth playing more than once, and I hope to see an even improved Bayonetta 2in the future, good work Kamiya-san.

Good times for anime fans:)

Hi everyone, don't you think that we're in a very exciting period regarding anime right now? to be more specific I'm talking about Naruto Shippuuden and Bleach, both series are great and right now the best episodes ever are the ones that are being aired now and will be by the coming weeks, Naruto's battle against Pain and Ichigo's battle against Ulquiorra(I hope I spelled that correctly), I read the manga and I have to say they some of the best battles you'll ever see(if not the best). I watched a few anime since last year so I know there are other great series like Death Note and Elfen Lied, although too bad the latter got butchered and ended half way through the manga, the same thing which happened to another great anime: Dragon Quest Dai No Daiboken.

Anyway, it's a great time for anime, so let's enjoy:)

The Yellow Light Of Death...The Return!!!

Ahhhh :x, again my PS3 YLOD'd on me and it hasn't been more than about two weeks since it was fixed, just my luck, I just finished getting all the trophies in Final Fantasy XIII and didn't get to upload them, the power went out and when it returned...the PS3 gave me that cursed yellow light again:(...this is so bad:cry: but at least there aren't really any good games coming out for the next few months, BUT THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT...MY FFXIII DISC IS STILL INSIDE...yeah, AGAIN....Oh well, sorry for ranting so much I just wanted to get that out of my chest...

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