Hi everyone...and yes it's been six months since my PS3 YLOD'ed on me for the 4rth time...but hey, I've been keeping myself busy dusting off my old PS2 and remembering some incredible games like FFX, FFXII, Okami, Fatal Frame III, Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil Code Veronica X,and God of war.
So that's okay, but I'm bored again and I'm starting to consider if the old PSone still works and it doesn't seem that I'm gonna buy a PS3 anytime soon so I'm trying so hard to keep myself busy...
But the truth is it's hard when you grow up playing games and suddenly you get cut off from it all, but I guess that's just how life is...
Another point is that a lot of great games are coming to PS3 this year: Dead Space 2, Little Big Planet 2, Mortal Kombat 9, Final Fantasy XIII-2, and maybe the last guardian and FFVsXIII(but unlikely). I guess the best thing to do in my case is to watch video walkthroughs on youtube and that might give me some feel to the games...but we all know that playing is different from watching right?
If there is anyone out there who suffered as I am from being unable to practice his favourite hobby(gaming :)) I say: you not alone...you just have to be patient...