Hi guys, it's been a reeeeaaaaaaaally long time since I posted anything due to technical and human issures, but never mind about that now...I'm finally posting the second part of my RE discussion so let's get it on shall me?
Okay this is gonna be a lot shorter than the last one so don't worry...and even if it was, it would be worth it if you're a RE fan like me :)
So to summarize the most important things about the Resident Evil series they are as follows:
1-An intense yet exciting atmosphere were the main character is alone in a hostile environment with a lot of things out to get him or her, usually in a creepy set of locations throughout the game.
2-Every part of the game should feel new and very different from the previous one(this was especially apparent in RE4).
3-A long play time for the single player story mode(remember RE4 took around 20 hrs to finish on our first playthrough).
4-Exciting and epic boss fights that are nothing short of intense and panic inducing.
5-Careful attention to detail(in both graphics and story telling)
All these elements contributed to making the RE series a very successful and popular one. However, if you noticed that Resident Evil 5 was very different from the previous games and lacked all the above mentioned points.
So why has the RE series strayed that much from the true path?...well I'm not gonna answer that here, this blog here is about what should Capcom do to correct this and save our beloved games that we all grew up playing and enjoying.
And the answer is simple: Read the above!...Seriously just look at what made the early RE games that great and make a new game that stands up to the reputation of the series. Think about it this way: when you make RE6(if that is what you are gonna call it) take the same approach that you did when you made Street Fighter IV, go back to the roots. That is the simple formula, the rest is up to you...I trust that the people who made great games like Megaman and Okami can go back to what they used to do best...
I'm still waiting to hear some(hopefully) good news about my favourite game, wish you all the best.:)