Hello fellow gamers, I hope everyone is doing fine. So, I've been playing Bayonetta for some time now, but I'm too lazy to write a full review so I'll just share some thoughts here;
When I first saw the trailers for this game I thought: meh, a cheap DMC rippoff, but when I actually played it...Wow, what a change of mind, it actually plays good...in fact, it actually plays better than DMC4which was a bit disappointing to be honest(the only reasonI gave it a high score is that there was nothing better or even worth playing when it was released), the battle system, the level design and the weapons, accessories and abilities they grant, all participate to make it a well worthy game especially forfight action game fans.
On the downside,I still find the main character a bit...well, annoying, she just keeps talking arrogantly towards her enemies, and seems not to care about the dangers around her, shedoesn't seem to take anything seriously even when she should, and that puts a distance between her character and the atmosphereof the story.Not to mention that this attitude affected the style of the game and addedsillyness to the whole experience, it even affected the music(although some tracks werereally awsome).
Just a quick note: why do they make you fight angels? do game makers wanna mess with our heads to make us hate everything that represents virtue and goodness and on the other side show us that demons and evil are fun, cool and awsome?! I mean it's ok for me coz I'm an adult, but for everyone out there with kids be careful in the games you let your kids play, most games these days contain adult material and should be taken notice of...Ahhh anyway, it's not the issue here, BUT that brings me AN IDEA....!!I hope in Bayonetta2 we will be fighting demons in addition to "bad" angels...now that would spice the story up!maybe the demons will betray bayonetta and turn against her or something like that...hmmm the possibilities!
Anyway, all in all Bayonetta is really fun and worth playing more than once, and I hope to see an even improved Bayonetta 2in the future, good work Kamiya-san.