Today i finally bought Neverwinter Nights. I was really stoked about playing it and when i got home from visiting some of my relos i went straight into my room and put in the discs. Everything was normal and then it came up asking me if i want to play. Obviously i said yes. But then it started asking me to put in the disc that was already in there. It wouldnt stop so i un-installed and then installed again. Same thing happened. I once again re-installed but always askign me to insert play disc. Of course once i finally gave up and thought about taking it back the shops were already closed. So now i gotta go back to EB (in epping in case you want to know) and either get new discs or i might get an entirely different game. I was thinking something like F.E.A.R. If your reading this have you got any ideas for wat PC game i should buy, either FPS or any RPG, that you think is worth it please comment or send me a pm.
Hope u enjoyed hearing about my troubles. :P