Today was my mum's 22nd anniversary of her 21st birthday (;)) and my brother and I went to JB Hi Fi to get her something even though she said she didnt want anything (isn't that always the way with women. When they say they dont want anything, they actually do, and when they say nothing is wrong, everything is wrong, and when they say everything is wrong, EVERYTHING IS WRONG! points to whoever gets the reference).
Anyway, we got her some CD by a singer named Duffy which apparently she seems to like, the first two seasons of Grumpy Old Women and Volver, but shes already seen/got it so that will be returned. While we were there though, something caught my eye. Something so magnificent that my heart skipped a beat.
This is the only hard copy of a Destroyer 666 cd I have ever been able to find, and I dont care if it was $8 more than what I was originally going to get (Embodiment by Sculptured, definately check them out if you like experiment/progressive death metal. It features guys from Agalloch), it was worth it. It doesnt matter that I already had the album downloaded, this was just too good to be true. So I bought it. Then, something else caught my eye.
For a measley $64, it was mine. I have played through the first two levels and despite my control always losing connection for some reason, its extremely fun. It's a must have for those OCD people who must always complete every little thing, like myself. Although I'm kinda lazy in colouring in all the trees, I decided to liberate all the Raydians.
Controls are pretty slick, albeit flicking the wiimote gets a little stale and the camera angle sorta stuffs up. Not many other complaints so far. The gameplay is quite fresh yet repetitive and the challenges are a little on the easy side. The only time de Blob failed was when my brother failed to colour all the billboards, which he had like 1:30 to do. Should complete it by Sunday I think.
Expect a review of both CD and game soon, probably end of the week.
And one last thing.