Well even though I dont have a proper job, I have been working. For my dad and his business that is. The job you ask? Road works, mainly working on pit's, valves and stormwaters. See, no one else in the state of Victoria was doing it apart from councils, and they didnt do it often, so my father took it up and currently monopolises pretty much 100% of the workload in Victoria, working as far as Mildura. It's my second of five days so far and I am getting payed which isnt bad.
Yesterday I went with him to the yard at 6:00 AM and at 6:30 left with 2 of his workers, who are Samoan (so is the other 95% of the workers lol). Really great guys too, and funny as hell. We had to fill in some holes with cement and replace some grates for a drain, which was hard, and then take some photos of future pits. Today, everyone was working inside the West Gate Bridge (yes, inside, for it is hollow) and you need a special pass. I did not go for:
1. I did not have said pass
2. My mum, who is the book keeper for the business, would freak.
So I stayed in the yard and cleaned up a bit. So far I have put in 12 hours of work and at $15 an hour, its not looking too bad. Tomorrow I continue to work around the yard, this time with my fathers cousin who is like the maintenance guy, before going out for some concreting (I think)
Anyway thats all, see you space workers.