GS AU: Does Microsoft want to be a partner and curator or a content creator in the entertainment space?
Great Questions!
I live in the USA. I couldn't help but thinking how the xbox one presentation seemed heavily focused on the US market and the non-gaming media aspects such as TV.
Compare this to the PS4 show,which focused on the developer community and the graphical processing power needed to run the next gen titles.
Sony,having given a general,more game-centric approach to their announcement feels like it leaves room to breathe were the Microsoft event felt like a forced "this is what your getting and like it" tonality.
The two sides have different approaches this cant be denied. I was sold on the PS4 from the start and I was hoping Microsoft would have shown something interesting that would cater to my personal lifestyle of media consumption/gaming. Am I ready to trade in my vast collection of multiple consumer media devices and allow one box to rule them all? This is a bold leap in a new direction for a console creator and only time will tell if Microsoft is going to succeed at taking on the world one TV at a time.
We will have to wait for E3 to see more of the interface changes and alternate media content Sony and Microsoft plan to add to their new babies. Damn I love this stuff.
Lots of apple hate here,but has anyone taken into consideration that Apple itself only makes about 5 apps. The app market is comprised of mainly independent developers. This 50 billion number goes far beyond Apple Corp and the products they sell. This 50 billion number is there to celebrate software developers.
It's easy to judge something when its standing on the opposite side of "your teams" goal.
I use Apple products for music production. I have supported many development teams over the years.
I was one of the people that used to say, "Apple is a greedy company" too. It wasn't until I got my head into the developer space and community that supports ios developers that it was the 3rd party that drives App not apple. Apple is just the host. 50 Billion opportunities to sell YOUR independently created software on a platform that is pretty damn stable and consistent is nothing short of a marvelous feat. Its something bigger then a simple "apple sucks" should warrant.
Thanks for this article. Developers are the reason we play.
The demos made me grin. If this is to come out this gen then I might have to move my bed,nightstand,and bookshelf into my living room and make my bedroom into a perfect gaming space. Just a chair a flatscreen and this. Good job MS on getting my interest in your next gen.
Mass Effect is SICK. Its a SICK market that plays SICK games from BIOWARE. Cant wait to see what SICK games BIOWARE creates for the SICK next gen consoles. :)
freesoulvw's comments