Since my last blog I got Halo 3, Skate, Orange Box, Call of Duty 4, and Assassins Creed. They're all pretty cool games. But, its definitely been a while. Also looking at the blog below this one I called Cod4's 9.0 score. I put up some reviews, and haven't done anything exciting of late. Im not even sure if any of my Gamespot friends will actually read this because I haven't been on in so long. There are definitley some GOTY competition between Halo 3, Call of Duty 4, Assassins Creed, Mass effect,Orange Box, Rock Band,PGR4,GH 3,Chrysis UT3 and many others. What do you think is the game of the year ? What game do you think is going to be 360 game of the year ? What are you looking forward to ? Chrismas ?
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