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freshcutgrass1 Blog


Im back, it's been a while. I'll be on more often now because I got a laptop.....and because Gamespot has the best community of all gaming sites, too bad the reviews have slipped alittle ;) Looking forward to talking to you guys

Reviews !

I'll be putting some reviews up, since I got my computer back I figured I should put up all the ones I have. I can't wait 4 GTA 4! Expect GRAW 2, Saints Row, PGR 3, and Darkness reviews in the next few days. Talk to you later piece

Bye Guys !

My xbox 360 just got the 3 red rings so I won't be on Live for about a month or so. Im seeing the only flaw with the 360 since its 2005 launch is its Console Reliability. My Launch console lasted from Launch-Summer 07 and my second console from summer 07-feb 08. If they can figure out what is messing up consoles there is no doubt the 360 will win the console wars. It has the best Online Service and the best selection of titles Gears, Halo 3, Mass Effect, Bioshock, and the list gets longer and longer. SO MICROSOFT FIX YOUR **** !

The BLOG of ALL BLOGS (not really)

Since my last blog I got Halo 3, Skate, Orange Box, Call of Duty 4, and Assassins Creed. They're all pretty cool games. But, its definitely been a while. Also looking at the blog below this one I called Cod4's 9.0 score. I put up some reviews, and haven't done anything exciting of late. Im not even sure if any of my Gamespot friends will actually read this because I haven't been on in so long. There are definitley some GOTY competition between Halo 3, Call of Duty 4, Assassins Creed, Mass effect,Orange Box, Rock Band,PGR4,GH 3,Chrysis UT3 and many others. What do you think is the game of the year ? What game do you think is going to be 360 game of the year ? What are you looking forward to ? Chrismas ?

Summer Is over

Summer is over once again and it went fast, just as all summers do. Over the course of the summer I picked up The Darkness, Call of Duty 3: Gold Edition, and Bioshock. All of which are pretty good games. Recently I registered for the Call of Duty 4 Public Multiplayer Beta. The game is just what I had hoped it would be and has the features I had always wanted. It looks good, plays good and as long as Infinity Ward doesn't **** up on the Single Player side of the game, it will have a 9.0 review here on Gamespot. Halo 3 is coming out soon and I preordered it and plan on going out to the midnight release. The holiday has a huge amount of potential blockbuster titles set to release and I'm turning 16 next month. Hopefully my teachers are kool and I have friends in my classes. What did you do during summer ?

Gamespot reviews

My reviews are really messed up cuz the paragraphs in my gears review switched all around . I put my finished review in the box and click done. It looks fine then when it comes out the paragraphs are in the wrong order and they're all not spaced and mixed together. Is there a way to fix this ?

Xbox 360 Sent In

The Xbox 360 is my favorite gaming machine over any of my past consoles or even my PC which is game ready. Live is awesome and the games are the best. Robbing all of sony's exclusives * thats my boy * JKJK. But the major thing that is a problem is the problems consoles are having now adays working. I mean I had 1 Sega Genesis and 1 PS1 and went on 3 PS2s and Im on my 2nd 360. The gaming companies are making consoles that are powerful but obviously more complex. All i ever hear is MY PS3 is broken, my 360 is broken. But you rarely hear anything about the Wii cuz its less complex and they probably made alittle more sure it worked. Im saying that maybe the PS3 and 360 should have been kept in longer. The Wii is selling great and not breaking. By the time my ps2 broke 2x they had a skinny version which never had any problems. The broken PS2s drew me away from sony and I wanted different. I knew I wasnt getting a Wii because their for CHILDREN AND GAYS. So the 360 was my perfect option. I basically wrote this cuz first off Im bored and 2nd cuz my 360 died more than a 1 1/2 yrs of gettin it. It lasted longer than it should have because launch consoles were found to be defective. But Microsoft has me covered and Im gettin one for free. Sony on the other hand made me pay for a new ps2 because it died like convienently for me 7 days after the warranty was up. The othe rproblem is the MICS. MICROSOFT HAS TO MKE SOME MICS THAT WORK. MY IN BOX MIC NEVER WORKED AND I BOUGHT A WIRELESS WHICH STOPPED WORKIN. But I got a new one for free. YESSS. ON THE POSITIVE SIDE MICROSOFT CUSTOMER SUPPORT IS HELPFUL AND REPLACE BROKEN **** I FEEL BAD FOR$600 PS3 OWNERS THAT WILL END UP REBUYING THE CONSOLE AS I DID. DAMN THAT WAS LONG IF U READ THAT WHOLE THING PROPS 2 U AND LEAVE A COMMENT

Halo 3

Another showing of the single most anticipated game ever was during monday night football. During a commercial. Gamespot has it if you didn't watch it. ( which you probobly did it's been out for a few days now ). It shows off the pistol, assault rifle, mongoose,and brute weilding a hammer ( new weapon ? ). The best is the SHIELD GRENADE which master chief threw into the ground and a shield similar to one in perfect dark zero surrounded him and master chief also showed a sprinting ability. Imagine those added to the gameplay. That's it I have to go.
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