For me, MGS defined the Playstation and it was very hard waiting all those years for the sequels to be released. The fact that 360 owners get the whole deal makes me sick. You can't begin to comprehend a series like MGS without the years of speculation in between the games and the debates and myths. I guess what I'm saying is that someone who has never played MGS on PS1 wont be able to fully appreciate this collection. MGS1 wont be in the collection. Maybe because Konami is thinking; who hasn't played MGS1? The same people who didn't know what the hell was going on in MGS2 on Xbox, that's who. My opinion about it is that Konami is selling out on it's greatest franchise just to get some holiday bucks and it's a slap in the face to the real fans. What's funny is that it seems like even more people are pissed about ME3 on PS3. Especially with the rumors of exclusive content for PS3. I for one have a 360 (which I no longer support) and I wont be buying ME1. (which I never played) Instead, I'll pick up 2 and 3 for PS3. See what I mean? I'm missing out on (supposedly) a great game just to stay loyal... That's why these games should not be released unless all titles are made available. What base do you think was hurt the most by going multi-platform?
freshmoney's forum posts
This story fails. No one will be buying 360's just to play old ass Halo, and Forza. I don't see anything epic on the horizion for the system. Sorry, but the PS3 is true next gen.
LOL I bought Masseffect... Played it for 30 mins. Took it out of my 360, and it hasn't been back in since. See no reason to get this.
Im not sure if you're actually being serious or if you're just an ignorant cow trying to come off as intelligent, but on both accounts you fail. XBL is the better service, just deal with it. As far as lag/connection problems are concerned, i dont think anyone here on system wars gives a damn about your problems. Me and many others manage to play both XBL and PSN without any lag/connection issues.-DrRobotnik-
Why so serious? :question:
Hmm... So this is what I'm getting. Most say that XBL is better because of cross chat, and netflix.
1. Watching and especially paying for anything on XBL netflix is lame.
- I have a PC. I can watch anything I want for free lol, so that argument fails
- I think Sony understands that, which is why they had no interest in Netflix.
- I have a netflix account, and the streaming movie selection SUCKS!!
- However, for the few that do want that , it's not totally absent from PSN with the video store!
In that respect, I would call it even between the two...
2. Now, lets say PSN offered a upgraded service which included cross chat for 5.99 a month. Would you pay for that? Of course not. You would rather lose a little, and keep it absolutely free. So the cross chat argument fails as well.
From the start of this topic I noted lag/connection problems with XBL as my concern, but even the peoplee who didn't like PSN mentioned lag/connection problems as a reason. In fact, most are agreeing that games play better on PSN. With that said, there is obviously no definitive advantage over PSN, besides the number of subscribers, right?.... Whoa, wait.... Does XBL REALLY have more subscribers than PSN? Where is the hard data on that? Without it, that's nothing more than an assumption obviously based on fact that the 360 was out a year before the PS3. Both networks seem to have pros, and cons that gamers can do without. A lot of people say XBL is better because they get DL content first, or timed exclusivity. "M$ loves us, they really love us, because M$ buys upz all teh excloosivez!" That argument fails too, because your subscription pays for those exclusives, not M$. That's like working for a company, and they throw the employee's a party using the money they put in the vending machines lol. I'd rather wait a while longer and pay for something once, than get it first and pay twice.
Sure does make me look like a fanboy when you delete the rest of the post. way to pick out the parts that fit your arguements:roll:[QUOTE="enygma500"]
Judging from what you just wrote, all you did was search a gameplay video of Gears Of War 2 when it first came out, because what you said, is the only game that it describes.
And to top it off, Gears 2 has been almost completely polished up with its updates. So everything you just said, it's nothing but fanboyism talking. :lol:
As for bphan. I have plenty of friends with 360's and I even had one here for a while. I have enough experience with XBL. PSN isn't without it's faults but don'tr try to say the XBL is perfect. They both have pros and cons. this is simple FACT. Nothing to do with fanboyism.
I deleted everything else because fanboys can have a civilised conversation with everyone else, but as soon as a certain subject comes up, they fire.
And if you're not (hell, most fanboys don't even know what they are), I apologise, because as you can see, this is the system wars board. Nothing but fanboys, left, right and center. That's why we always get stupid threads like this that keep recurring, getting bumped and what-not.
Thought provoking... :roll:
After reading several posts in topic made by the creator himself, all I can say is that he is nothing but a troll. But since this is the system wars section, don't expect any mods to be around :roll:
Ahh... He calleth me teh trollz... I'll never be the same. :cry:
Aaaaaand stop there.Yes becuase the universe would collapse upon itself were I to go to a friends house and play the 360:roll:[QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="enygma500"]]You already know I don't have a 360. enygma500
There's just no need to own both consoles this gen. If I had a 360 rather then PS3 I'd be missing out on uncharted, killzone and resistance. I have a PS3 so I miss out on gears 2, Halo and Forza. Everything else is multiplat. 3 or 4 games is not worth an extra system purchase. Maybe when it's down to $100 or something. But even then, I'm not gonna pay for XBL.
Now see... This is a fanboy. ROF
[QUOTE="Leo-Magic"] your opinion is more like a fanboy statement.supertapey
Ask me if I care?
ok do you care
No I don't... Fanboy is such a played out term. It's up there with "bling bling", and "swagger" How could I possibly be offended, or inclined to address something so trivial? Please, I'm a grown ass man...
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