No this is not a rant about a game or anything. Actually you see I've been longing for a soundtrack to some of Nintendo's most recent games because I just enjoy their music (DON'T JUDGE ME) but for more recent games their are no sountracks. This makes frogloe sad. As much as I'd love to cruise the Internet looking for ripped sountracks I decided to play it safe and consult Nintendo.
I emailed them with this request:
Hello there Nintendo, I really enjoy your games. One of the enjoyable aspects of your games would be the music. I enjoy many soundtracks of your games and will and have purchased the avalible soundtracks that I enjoy. However some of the soundtracks to many of the games you have produced lack an official soundtrack therefor it is difficult to obtain these soundtracks. Soundtracks to games such as Super Smash Bros. Brawl have no official soundtrack yet I wish to obtain one to listen to. I don't want to perform any illegal actions of any sort and would happily buy these soundtracks to games such as Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I am willing to do quite a bit to obtain these as far as everything goes but I do not wish to perform any illegal actions. As I have mentioned before one of my most wanted soundtracks does not officially exist. So I was wondering if there was any legal methods of obtaining this soundtrack. As I have said I am happily willing to pay money. If I could just obtain the Super Smash Bros. Brawl soundtrack I would be thrilled but if there are others than can be obtained through other methods I would be happy to look into those soundtracks aswell. To sum up the above paragraph, is there any way to legally obtain the Super Smash Bros. Brawl soundtrack and perhaps others alike to it?
I just wanted a soundtrack to listen to on my MP3 player. Nothing much. There isn't a legal one though that I know of so I decided to see if I was wrong. Here is the response I get:
That's an interesting request! I can understand your desire for soundtracks to our games. While we have produced some soundtracks in the past, we haven't produced any new ones in years and I haven't heard of any plans to do so.
Plus,we appreciate the interest in Nintendo and in all our video game products. To us, it represents a great sign of success and recognition of the Nintendo brand.
"Nintendo" is a registered trademark of Nintendo of America Inc. Nintendo owns extensive intellectual property rights in all of its products, including video game systems, game titles, characters, game software, graphics, artwork, and screen shots. Nintendo also retains rights in content on Nintendo's websites, including articles, artwork, screen shots and other files. Trademarks and copyrights for third-party games and characters are owned by the companies which market or license those products.
While we are grateful for all the requests for permission to use Nintendo properties, we are not able to grant such requests. We receive thousands of requests and do not have adequate staffing to review them all. Therefore, our general policy is to decline requests for permission for the use of Nintendo properties.
Although we are unable to grant permission, use of Nintendo's properties without formal permission by Nintendo may still be allowed under the relevant laws of the particular jurisdiction involved. Thus, we encourage you to seek your own legal counsel if you have any questions about whether your particular proposed use is permitted without Nintendo's authorization. Nintendo cannot provide legal advice.
We appreciate your support. For more information about Nintendo and its products, please visit our website at
Sue Page
Nintendo of America Inc.
lolwut? Talk about indirect! What does this have to do with my request?! I didn't want to know if I could sell it, I wanted to know if I could listen to it. I was being nice, offering to purchase a perhaps existent soundtrack rather than being like somebody else and just downloading it off some site without knowing the consequences. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough or something. Should I have mentioned that I wanted to listen to it on my MP3 player. I suppose I sounded a little like I was trying to take it and claim it as my own but I'm not sure. In any case this isn't exactly the response I had expected. Do you have any ideas for what I should do next? Should I send another email?