frogloe / Member

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Level 19 + E3 (Nothing less...)

Wow! That was quick! Within a flash I'm level 19. Only a simple level away from the trecherous black hole of a level, #20!

Okay another thing that has been going through everybodies head but may never happen;


Duh. Now this game could go one of two ways. This could be the next step in the series or be another great game brought over to the DS. I'll start with the next step idea. Okay so we all know that Brawl was really quite good and nothing could ever take it's place. Especially not a DS game. However it wouldn't hurt to throw together another game sorta like Brawl only a little more simple. It would include a updated roster with new characters including some more 3rd party characters. It would have a better version of SSE with a diffrent story mode and everything. They may need to cut a few features from brawl to make it fit in a DS card though. As far as I see it it'll just be brawl on the go.

Now the second option would be to remake melee or 64 with a few new characters and items and a DS remake but that would be about it. It would give you a better reason to play melee or 64 again and give you a SSB on the go.

I'm not quite sure which one I'd prefer. To be frank I'd go with a remake. I don't want any attempts to squash a masterpiece like brawl. I want this to be more of I side game to soften us up to the old times and give us some smashing fun on the go. You know what I mean?

Anyway that's it for today. Frogloe signi-

You know what that sounds dumb. How about a simple "see ya later!"