Fg= Frog (BC: 3136-6313-6990) BB kid= Baseball Kid (BC: 2535-3399-3669) MM7= Marthman 7 (BC: 1633 4001 2497)
Bro= TT's Brother (BC: 0602-6065-7280) SC= SamsCola (BC: 4038 5706 8992) G= Goosu (BC: 4682-8117-2033)
MF= MetroidFan66 (BC: 3136-6313-6990) TT= Trumpetteddy (BC: 3609-0731-4973) Dman (BC: 0301-9447-7511)
Editing Note: Dman is in too. He will be put in a three way battle. There is no rule change. Dman is only gonna be in one 3 way. Whoever wins will go back to a normal 2 way. Because it was my mistake he will be in my battle. I'm sorry if your unhappy BB kid. :(
Take note that you don't have to enter all the friend codes. If you just enter the people your facing. You know the rules. If you don't you NEED to read them! It is not an option! Good luck playing. Its tommarow! :)