im jk. but my teacher isnt.
i know the "video games are bad for you" has already been beaten to death by our dear and loving senators, but today in english, i witnessed possibly the most bigoted persuasive speech ever. My teacher was "teaching" us about counter-arguements and presenting both sides of an issue. She decided to give us two handouts with essays on them. One "supported" the anti-video game side. The other article...also supported it. How exactly is that presenting both sides of an issue? Context aside, the articles were well written, but the support for it was not in context. The most common support/reason/detail/fact was that video games increase agression, because a scientist saw the brain grow... Then the teacher decided it was time for her to add her 2 cents in and liberate her vulnerable students from the negative influence of video games. In her 25 minute rant and discussion time, my teacher asserted that gamers:
-had no life, because they constantly sit in front of their computer and play violent computer games like doom (excuse me, i would like to add that GTA is also violent)
-were violent and aggressive because of these video games
-because of the apparent aggression, gamers have a negative relationship with their family.
-gamer's hack into the internet and steal money and identities.
-are obsessed with computer parts, and therefore are broke
-which can lead to criminal behavior
-they also do bad in school
-other things that cannot be mentioned in our brotherhood of gamers.
So basically, her thesis is the title.
Discussion time was limited to us only being allowed to support her rant. When i attempted to refute her points, i was labeled as a gamer. Sigh, im half expecting to be called a terrorist tomorrow.
1. Gamers do have a life. I am in a band, i practice 3x a week. I go to church on Sundays, and i do not hang out in front of internet cafes.
2. Im actually rather mellow, and calm. I try to analyze things in a logical way before voicing my opinion
3. I have a good relationship with my family, my grandparents come over every year, and we spend the summer watching baseball games, or going to see the Sacramento Rivercats. (04 CHAMPS!)
4. I have no idea how to hack, yet the real term is "crack", not hack
5. I enjoy upgrading my computer, how is it any different from a hobby in liking fast cars, and working on your car on a Saturday
6. I have never been arrested, nor am I in any lack of money. I work at Carl's Jr.
7. I have a 4.25 GPA
sigh, again...
are there really people so misinformed and bigoted in America?
this happen to you guys? ever seen it? tell me about it. >.
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