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frowfraw7 Blog

HOLY CRAP A POST iPad rage 3 sick days and 3DS

ZOMG After like3 months I am posting something I have been on gamespot lately just not posting stuff.

So The surveys are in and iPads are the most wanted thing from kids for x-mas I to am guilty but I told My parents 1. I need a laptop type thing for school 2.Mom can have the computer when she wants it. 3.I will pay for half of it. But realy 6 YEAR OLDS want iPads at least for me I have reosoning to want one.

I have another sick day 3rd one in a row gonna have so much homework :(.

And the 3DS is getting me pumped cant wait to see ot in march so getting it day 1

Addicted to tetris. BBS Is driving me crazy,School is coming,And Sephiroth PWNS

Ok, I have been playing nothing but tetris for a couple days[knew my psp was good for something.]But I think I Am getting eye strain from playing it so much

Kingdom Hearts Birth by sleep is coming soon and I could not be more exited(I am the kinda guy who sits there and rights fan fiction of soras autism distracting him through out the main story of KH2)So yea looking forward to it.

Ok School is starting soon what a drag. well whatever as much as I want it to summer does not last forever.Taking spanish so I wont have to take quest and family and consumer science or as I like to call them waste of time and Housewife class.

And the last bit of news is I went to the super villan voting and said sephiroth would win the guy has HIS OWN THEME SONG.

-FrowFraw over

First Youtube Video

Today july 23rd 2010 marks the day in which I Posted my first youtube video.

It is basicly gameplay of the Ps3 downloadable game entitled NOBY NOBY BOY caps intended.

Here is the link just copy and paste it

Video game take is gone:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Sadly one of my favorite online video game shows on the intenet video game take out On retroware was canceled by the creator ben I am really tiked off about this because he was one of the best reviewers on the internet.He may have not made a video in like 10 months but I miss new eppisodes or at least updates and podcast but today on the fourms said he was leaving he said it was because he is married has a job and his health has improoved.Though I love his videos and his podcasts I wish he would just make one new video for the fans that would make me very happy. Just another note the communtity is small so you can meet new friends and he is still there but something is just strange and the sites creators Lance, and Ito also said that they are taking a hiatus.This hard for me to accept because I love that site but now the people making video's are getting picked of like flies.Gaming historian left but came back and Lance,And Ito are on a hiatus but now a uptate for a video on the site is rare and sometimes there is a drought if you will of videos the communtity is great I love them and they are great to hang out with but amount of activity of vids in the site is getting discouragingly low.Pixel Dan, The happy video game nerd and the rest of the communtity is there but this could encourage them to quit or take a hiatus and could just end the site. Which again makes me sad.

So Ben have a good life and rest in peace Video Game Take out the reason why I joined Retroware tv is gone.

-FrowFraw out

E-3 Nintendo confrence

Metriod,Kirby,zelda,Mario(sports),FREAKING GOLDENEYE, AND KID Icuraus !!!!:D:D:D!!!!:D:D:D:DAnd a new DS

I was blown away at the nintendo E-3 confrence I knew that it was great when they start with new zelda,then follow up with Metroid wwitch last years trailer was kinda secretive and I thought last years lineup was good but to top it off a NEW DS and not rehash number 5 (yea DS,DS Lite,DSI,DSI XL)and the 3-d gimick really works as I hear can't try it cause well I cant go to e-3 but wish I could. And the announced Ocorina of time remake does not hurt my decision to preorder either.So Can't belive the E-3 this year also any body else see NathanBarrnajet go onto G4 live go up to the host and ask Has anybody seen the dreamcast 2 that was classic.Any way wish I could say the same for Microsoft and Sony to be honest they were much to focused on games that were alredy anounced and theire stupid move and natal I mean Kinect witch do we really care about no we dont.

-FrowFraw signing off

HAHA victory is mine shaymin

:D:D:DI got my shaymin shinyfyed!!:D:D:D. Ok lets stop making up words after 13,354 Soft resets on pokemon platinum

I got my shiny shaymin thats all caught it in a fast ball relieved it is finally done.

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