Metriod,Kirby,zelda,Mario(sports),FREAKING GOLDENEYE, AND KID Icuraus !!!!:D:D:D!!!!:D:D:D:DAnd a new DS
I was blown away at the nintendo E-3 confrence I knew that it was great when they start with new zelda,then follow up with Metroid wwitch last years trailer was kinda secretive and I thought last years lineup was good but to top it off a NEW DS and not rehash number 5 (yea DS,DS Lite,DSI,DSI XL)and the 3-d gimick really works as I hear can't try it cause well I cant go to e-3 but wish I could. And the announced Ocorina of time remake does not hurt my decision to preorder either.So Can't belive the E-3 this year also any body else see NathanBarrnajet go onto G4 live go up to the host and ask Has anybody seen the dreamcast 2 that was classic.Any way wish I could say the same for Microsoft and Sony to be honest they were much to focused on games that were alredy anounced and theire stupid move and natal I mean Kinect witch do we really care about no we dont.
-FrowFraw signing off