The only game I have been playing latley is Pokemon Heart gold I am at 70 hours I beat red I take my pokewalker with me everday my national dex is over the 470 mark and I Have constructed the ultimate team with no legendarys or cheats and I am still playing. And I think it may be the cause of the decline of my decent social social studies grade:( and the sad part is I am STILL playing. I never got why pokemon could ever be so addicting I spend more time playing it than studdying.
And now I am doing random playthroughs of games like no exp runs and ......... only runs and 6 hour speed runs(yes I have done it in my saphire) and prettending I am doing lets plays when I am just sitting there playing the game.
Not sure if I will ever get over this addiction I have $55 saved in reserve for when the japanese version of pokemon white and black come out. I dont like haters with no good reason like "um it is to kidish for me of" or" the pokemon in the games are lame" which is half true for half of gen4 but the point is that is a lame excuse. But I got to stop this post now because I need to go Level grind with espeon