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Lost in the Headlights

I have alot that I want to talk about. As a direct result of this, this will be quite a long post, so bear with me. I imagine you are all used to me doing long blog posts, however. IT seems all of mine are quite long. Anyway, here we go.

While watching a recent hockey game between the Buffalo Sabers and the Florida Panthers, I caught the aftermath of the worst sports injury I have ever seen (I actually saw the incident later on on youtube). About half way through the third period, Florida forward Ollie Jokinen was knocked off his feet. His foot came flying up and it caught fellow team mate Richard Zednik on the neck, slashing his catorid artery. That is a very serious and life threatening injury. Richard probably saved his own life by skating to the bench under his own power. I have to admit. It takes a real man to do this. He was stabalized and sent to the emergency room where they performed life saving surgery on him./ He is continuing to recover in the Buffalo hospital. His condition was recently upgraded from 'stable' to 'good,' and he was moved to a private room where he is currently resting and getting well. I am a huge Dallas Stars fan. I love hockey and this was very sad for me. You can keep up with Zednik's status here as well as send him a well wish letter if you want. Get well Richard. You are in the thoughts and prayers of every hockey fan on the globe

It appears that another school was shot up today. This time the Northern University of Illinois was the target. Last time I checked, 5 people had died. This crap has got to stop. I mean, seriously, it seems we get multiple school shootings every year. It's sad and it pisses me off. You wopuold think we would have done something to be able to stop this kind of thing from happening ever since Columbine happened all those years ago. Something needs to be done. It has gotten to the point where it is no longer a freak occurence. It's like 'who is going to be the target this year?" Screw that. That pisses me off. What the hell would motivate someone to do something like this in the first place? Watch the media blame it on video games because...you know...all those gamers taking their anger out on a bunch of polygons. Oh the horror. Argh. Anyway. Send your thoughts and prayers out to the families of the victims of this latest school shooting.

On to my own personal life. My cousins and my aunt came to visit over the weekend for my grandmothers birthday (she lives about 10 minutes from me). HEr birthday was actually tuesday but, when you are working, it is kind of hard to come down during the work week, so they came down for the weekend before. IT was nice to see them all. My younger copusin accidently left her wallet in the car and was mad at herself when I sent her a text message saying 'nice wallet.' Hah. I told her that I would return it to her in a bit. I was playing Timeshift at the time. Little did I know that dodging missles on the last level of Timeshift would be such BS. IT took me well over an hour to beat a 3 minute section of game. She was probably wondering where hte hell I was by the time I got around to leaving. Oh well. I spent about 5 hours just sitting and talking to them that night. IT was fun.

The following morning, we were supposed to go out to eat lunch for my grandma right? My mom hwever told me when to wake up. I asked her when I should wake up and she said 'lunch time.' Ok mom. I am not psychic. I have no idea what 'lunch time' means. IT is a vague term that could mean 11, 12, 1 or even 2. How the hell am I supposed to know? I sat up and waited for her until about 3 AM so I could ask her again and, hopefully, get a better answer. Low and behold,. she didn;t get home until about an hour after I gave up and went to bed. I woke up at about 12:40 the next day and no one was here. I messaged her and she didn't reply to me....because she was eating. Thanks alot mom. If you can't tell me when to set my alarm, you could have atleast woke me up but nooooooooooo. It was a bad day, to say the least. I went with my cousin to buy a birthday present for her as well as candles and whatnot, or she was the one buying the present rather. I lack money. I didn;t get to eat anything at all that day until about 4 PM. On the way over to her house, I got a flat tire. Great. Just great. I had to put the spare on. That's never fun. You know that if you ahve ever done it. I was just impatiently waiting for that dreadful day to end.

I had decided to go to Seers the next day because I had a lifetime tire deal there. They told me that all four tires needed to be replaced. They pulled it into the shop and they are asking me what I want to do. Since I am not using my own money for this, the decision is not up to me. I call my mom. She says to call my brother. I call my brotehr. He says to wait and get tires the next day because it was his day off. Great. I had to pull it back out of the shop. I hate driving on the donut. I mean, what if it blows? You no longer have a spare tire. Wonderful. Besides that, those tires are just meant to get you from poiunt a to wherey ou get your tire replaced. Minimal driving. They are not good tires. Anyway, I did get my tiures replaced. They are supposed to be good in wet weather and they are 80000 mile tires. Nice. They should last me a while. I also got a life time replacement deal on those as well, so that's good. My car has brand new tires on it. All 4 of them to be exact. Yay.

While my car was in the tire shop, I used my brotehrs truck to go visit my grandma. It was, after all, her birthday. She has always lived in the middle of no where in Oklahoma. It is kind of hard to visit her on her birthday in that case. As such, I believe this is the first time that I have ever actualy been there on her birthday. It made her very happy. I only stayed for about an hour because I had to go get my car before the shop closed, but it was nice. She had 2 kinds of birthday cake. I had a piece of both. They were ok, but she cannot have sugar. They had some kind of artificial sweatener in them instead of sugar. Needless to say, a cake with real sugar is better. It always tasted better that way. She was really happy to have me there. I told her that I was going to buy her something for her birthday when I started making money. She said I didn't need to and that it was enough just to have me there. I think I am going to wind up doing the exact same thing that I did for my mom for Christmas. There is a store in the mall that sells beautiful wood carved sculptures of all kinds of animals. I may get her something from that. She's sure to like it. She loves pretty things like that.

I started job hunting again yesterday. I went to a few places and filled out a few apps. I also brought a few home with me with plans to fill them out and bring them back today, which I did. When I brought back the Quizno's app, she told me to come back later that afternoon. I did have a dr.s appointment today, which ate up an hour or so of my day. As such, I couldn't get back to Quizno's until about 3:30. I had gotten a phone call from a coffee shop in Virgin Megastore in the mall for an interview at 4 as well. I went to the Quizno's interview. IT lasted a little longer than anticipated, but I did get the job. IT is only 7 bucks an hour, but that is better than nothing. I would like more. I wanted 8 or more, but I cannot hold out. I need money. The interview lasted long enough that I wound up being 30 minutes late for the interview at the coffee shop. She didn;t mind though. She said she was busy at 4 anyway. This one also sounds promising and she said that she would call me tomorrow to see just how much they can offer me. They said 6. I may not turn them down. I may go with 2 jobs. More money you know. Lord know I will need it.

Anyway yeah. That about wraps it up for me. I am sure that there are minor details that I am missing here and there, but I am pretty sure that I did not miss anything major. Life has been confusing as hell lately, hence the title. That is a refgerence to Pelican by the way. Lost in the Headlights is a song on their latest offering City of Echoes. It is great insturmental rock if you are into that sort of thing. It has sojme metal influence and some prog. The tech skill is high, but there is alot of heart in it as well. Maybe things are finally looking up for me. One can only hope, right? Until next time people!