Just fyi... more options does not mean depth (looking at you cod) i had far more fun playing halo online than i ever did cod. and level design and objectives make more depth than options. Walker assault was great because over time you realized good strategies... instead of just grinding for the great machine gun. its actually the best competitive type of game. there isn't any bullshit weapons and gear threshold to over come. you play. you learn. you win. its not like competitive sports have a shit ton of different gear that separates the best from the rest.
@TeknoBug: they should come out with a competitive shooter where the sensitivity is no more than the human body could possibly move... cuz some games the sensitivity is silly and ruins and idea of fun to me.
I think i am not a fps fan... cuz every critique i have seen with this game sounds like the problems with literally every fps i have ever played. cod gets boring. battlefield gets boring. also i assume the halo games got similar scores? cuz this game is very much halo to me.
one: SWTOR is not WoW and i thank god for that. I am sry but i tried playing WoW many times and could never get more than 10 hours in cuz everything felt absolutely pointless.
Two: the reason WoW (in my opinion) sux is because no one really cares about the world. Its all about raids and its all about getting level capped as quickly as possible. The mentaily of most mmo players seems to not enjoy the game as a game.
Three: could tor b better, absolutely. Is it a more interesting game than tor? yes. Why? Cuz even though it is very limited in comparison, tor made me want to know how my character's story developed.
Fourth: i here alot of comlaints bout ho the game is too hard solo... i just beaat the game as a jedi knight level 50 without doing a single flashpoint or heroic and even skipped some planet quests. So when ppl complain about too many elites you suck at the game because i faced them all by myself.
Fifth: i like playing tor with my friends, but in terms of the mainstream quests the game becomes a joke. flashpoints and heroics are the only reason you would need friends to help you.
Finally: it seems that mmo's have become that is not a videogame. Video games are supposed to let you have some fun a couple hours during the day and hopefully you walk away thinking: cool i just killed that guy, or " wow i we won the war" tor tried to reengage us in story and make us appreciate our characters. its not perfect but its something and hopefully it will only get better.
p.s. WoW fans might think their game is better, thats fine. have fun not caring about the story
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