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fugiex Blog

2 years later

Hey guys whats up? I kind of forgot i have account on this site, that's why i haven't been online to post or comment on any of the forums on the site. Alot of new items of games that i require over the last past two years, so I'll try to keep you guys up to date on what new stuff I got. For now I'll just start with this week's update.

Let's start with the top picture then move down to the buttom. I got dark sector for $4.99, far cry 2 17.99 and operation flashpoint for 19.99 all from the same store gamestop. I played both far cry and flashpoint on multiplayer and love it. couple of times on opersation flashpoint people tent to goof off or not heal anyone when their hurt. Far cry online is really fast people tent to scream over the micphone. I haven't touch far cry and dark sector single player campagin yet but i do plan in start it soon after i this other game done which will be announce later in this blog. I also got white knight for 19.99 in one of those sales buy 2 get one free at gamestop. love the single player game, the cut scenes are pretty cool and my character reach lvl 10. I am at the part where they need to trevel into the forest. The online game i found alot of high lvl guys there that are around 30, I haven't seen anyone lower then that yet. So it gets kind of intinmeding when joining up with them because you don't know what there going to do.

dead space 2 collector edition and two worlds 2 I got it order online at gamestop, came in the mail from UPS around 11 am and played both of the game ever since. Well I did take a break to eat and work but that's it. Dead space looks really nice, love the kinesis that they added to the game. The commericals were right, the game actually made me jump a little at certain parts of the game. Right now I only in chapter 4 then I stop for that night to get some sleep. Two worlds 2, I had some high hopes with this game. The first one was really dissppointing with its glitches and frame problems. But this squel beats the first one completely. Don't get me wrong there are some hicups and sometimes the NCP melt to the ground. but is really pretty, the story is kind of ok and the hores riding controls is much better then the first one. Don't take my word for it, you readers should atleast give this game a try rent it.

With the collector edition i also contain the plasma cutter gun. It's really small could fit two fingers at the trigger locations if your lucky. There are some moveable parts like 3 of them. Oh also it lights up in green and blue colors when you put in double A battiers in it. So far I think its ok could be little bigger and included battiers! Come on EA ! That's about what wraps up this week pick up. see ya guys later !

hey blog world

Hey blog heads! mike here but before i start on anything on this blog let me introduce myself to all the readers that might be reading this or that mistakely stumble into this blog. My name is mike im 24 years old and i live into chiacgo, im that typically Asian person that loves to play sports, eat food and watch movies with friends. Im attending college right now but have no major that im going into, so im basically taking first taste of all the majors that my colleges has to offer and going to choose which one that feels right to me. When im not in school im at work most of the time, i usually work 28-30 hours a week doing food. I decided to myself that i dont want to do this for the rest my life so i went back to school, work is just there to pay for my type of living ****that iv plan for myself in the future.

Video games has always been a part of my life, since i was little kind i remember myself playing the regular Nintendo console games like mario, street fighter,batman,and ninja turtles. Since then as i grew up my passion for video games has also got bigger and my collection, over the years i collection tons of video game consoles and video games like sega,super Nintendo,n64,xbox,360 and the playstation 2 and 3, and its still growing pretty well as we speak! The current games that im playing right now are too human, i like this game alot, right now this is my second play thought in story mode my ****is the berserk lvl 31. after im dont playing that ****i plan on playing exploring more of the other ****s in the game, I have to agree with most of the gamer that posted on the site about the problems about this game should of been fix before release date but what can we do? other then that i might write my own review on this game in the future.

Thats all i can say about myself but please leave a comment to let me know that you guys are there or if not i can tell how many people view this blog. thank you for visting have a nice day!