I went to oxford street on the way home from work and lo and behold the rumours were true.. they were indeed selling Mario Galaxy a day before release. I waited in the queue whcih was fun - as there were some very enthusiastic punters with happy geeky commentry. I decided that I wasn't going to queue for an autograph by the chap who does Mario's voice.. I did get a picture with the Mario suited guy and my game - which my girlfriend commented was extremely geekily pathetic. I think she was just grumpy and is jealous of my hobby :)
Looking forward to getting some time to play Galaxy this weekend. I did make a start last night - but really only half an hour - in which time I made my Mii a planet which was pretty cool. did the first little scene and proceeded to kill myself until I lost all my lives on the first level just for fun and to see what it would do. I wasn't disapponted as the Game Over screen was accompanied by the usual Mario death jingle which in itself is delightful.
Onward weekend. Onward Galaxy.