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funfuzgirl Blog

Suze did it!

She requested a new blog so here it is! :D
First I wanna say sorry to all you whose blogs I haven't commented on... The reason is that I haven't read blogs in AGES!!! Shame on me! :roll:

But first I wasn't in a blog-reading mood, then my mom clicked on one of those "You're the 999.999.999.999th visitor" and we had a hacker and then I had exams! :o:|

Anyway, like requested, 5 facts about me:

  1. Between my parents' wedding & my sister's birth are 23 months, between my sister and my brother 23 months and between my brother and me, you'll probably already have guessed, also 23 months... And no, my folks hadn't planned it that way.
     sisters sisters
  2. I'm in High School and I study Latin.
    I also happen to love sententia like: "
    Nomen est omen." = your name says something about your personality.
  3. My birthday is on 17 november *hint, hint* ;):P
  4. I've got blue eyes, wavy brown hair and a fair skin.
    Blue Eyes
  5. I've got a cat and a dog. I used to have 2 dogs but Pistache got stolen.
    smeltenkg7vanYazz.jpg melting chocolate teckel image by irenee1941

If you wanna know anything else, just ask! :D


cry cRY cry cry crya cry cry crycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycry

I'm feeling not-loved...:( So plz spam, comment, leave me loads of messages... Make me feel loved! :D

 cry cry cry crycrycrycrysad.jpg such a sad lil girl image by Xxstop_breathingxX Sad GirlgirlCry.jpg CRY CRYcry.jpg cry image by beelzebub_samcrycrysad_girl.jpg sad image by LilWeirdSister14Cry_me_a_river___.jpg Cry Me A River image by rmbbkersj7

... *hugs*

We're gonna PARTY cos...

It's my BIRTHDAY!!!!

As of today, I'm 15. I've become an old woman... :lol:


Look! Shiran sent this to me!!! Thank you, Shiran!!! :)



Now, some CAKE!

Here are some plates to eat it off of. :D

My balloons!

As presents, eye candy is very much apreciated! :D:P:lol: *hint, hint*


Girl drama:

Yesterday, a kid smacked my butt... :o Seriously! And he's like 12 and I barely know him! Stupid, little kid! :evil: When he smacked my a$$, I was kinda chocked! And I couldn't say anything to him cos after smacking my a$$, he just walked of... :roll: I mean I was there with my friends and he only did it with me! :evil: I bet he just did it cos I know his brother... STUPID KID!!!

OK, just needed to vent cos of STUPID KID!!! :evil: But now it's over... :)


Poor BunnyEnd transmission

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