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New Bed...

Sh*t, I had just written this whole blog and then the computer goes on one of his weird turns!

I tried to post the pic again but it didn't work. It's really starting to get on my nerves! (Take a deep breath, Laure, relax... )

Anyway, today I got a new bed! It kinda was time. First we had to get the parts upstairs and then me and my mom unpacked the boxes. Big mistake! My mom forgot to unpack a little bag of nails and such and she threw the box away. When my dad (my hero :D )came to put the bed up, he discovered that the bag was missing. Immediatly a big search was started! At last we found it. Having found the bag my dad ordered me to move (big and heavy :( ) stuff out of my room so he could have the room to work. I helped take down my bed and when my dad finished the work (the bed is beautiful and higher which is a bonus) we both put the stuff back. I'm really glad and I hope I'll be able to sleep cuz I'm exhauted!:|

End transmission.