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furio2005 Blog


Just bought Burnout 3: Takedown

along with

Rougue leader 2 (GC)
Resident Evil (GC)
Pro evolution soccer 4 (xbox)

Im really inpressed with Burnout. Its a fantastic game, ive even joined the union.

Other news,
got a job interview tomorrow to get money for my car insurance, if all goes through im getting burnout revenge for 360 :D

Thanks for reading my blog


well the other day i thought "im up for owning some noobs on PGR3".
So i took went to ge tthe game and BOOM what had happened?

My game is all cracked on the underside of the disc.

Im gutted i cannot believe this would happen :(

Im going to send an E-mail to M$ and bizarre to figure out a replacement, otherwise a grand farewell to a great game :(

ill post back here for any updates :)


Ups and downs

 Well for me march has been some ups and downs for gaming on a whole, for the 360 we saw, GRAW, oblivion, Top spin 2, Far cry IP,

and some less notable ones, blazing angels NBA 2k6, college hoops.

But the biggest downer of the month was suprisingly far cry. A mate of mine bought far cry the other day, after trading in his original xbox. we turned it on and the beginning movie was horrific, but, not all was lost, the water. to me the selling point of the game is to see the water, now not many of you people will know that water is indeed about the most difficult terain to render. and takes alot of good programmers and designers to make it happen, if the backgrounds draw distance and enviorments looked as good as this it would be AA. But it doesnt, the only things that back the water up are the guns and the vehicles, which is a big shame, especially since ive been looking at this game since it was first shown. i love far cry PC the most and instincts was a great game but, i might find myself buying evolution instead of predator.

Also, when i as looking through the UBI soft far cry forums, there where some bad comments on the game itself, which for me at least puts you of the game in its own right. Who wants a game that noone likes?

Non game wise, march has brung some interesting news to my life, a fotnight ago a friend of mine says i might have a car on the way for june, just after my b'day, which would be great.

But this also means i have to save a bit for it, so i might not be buying as many games as i hoped for these next monthes.

If you want to see the car heres a pic

it is a 106 quicksilver. mine should be jus tliek that one just standard.

Hey maybe if i get this going to the PS3 launch might be a reality ;)

Thanks for reading my blog!

Nintendo's 'Revolution'

Nintendo Revolution

Ok Nintendo took our suprise last year when miyamato shows us a 'revolution' inshape of a dvd player remote, and so started the sceptics.
What could this wand of magic do, how could it be used in games and what about games that could'nt use it.
The big thing about nintendo is, they make consoles to make money, unlike Sony and Microsoft who actually lose profit on the first year of production. This is where nintendo's problems begin.
Ok so we start with the controller, FANTASTIC i thought to myself, but then, what games do i like? I like FPS, driving games, third person shooters, sports titles like fight night, but hang on. Do i want to paly my games like that?? im quite happy using two analougue sticks so why relearn my gaming knowledge for the sake of this new console?
How can i play prince of persia with this controller.
The whole idea behind the revolution is simple. Keep it simple.
Its always been nintendo's way, they want to intrigue new gamers of all ages. They tear themselves away from the hardcore gamer crowd, and yes make some kidish and some medicore games coupled with some great 3d platformers.
But the point is if i want to play a normal game with revolution i have to use a normal controller. And when i do that i have the weakest sound, graphics and performance of all the next gen systems, so for the few games i can use the controller for, whats the point of having this new system?
In my opinion that is the biggest question for this upcoming generation, and i think its going to end like the cube. Slow rate of games few true AAA titles, more mario spin offs that are short and trying to use this new controller, and then weaker counterparts of PS3/360 games that dont come close in visuals game performance sound and picture output. (no HD)
I never understood Nintendo, why make the n64 with cartriges when sony did better and more profit of using cd's. why did nintendo make small lower copacity discs for the gamecube.
But then we look at the ds's leed over the PSP and ask ourselves, is this really the future????

Playstaion 3 impressions

OK so its 2006 now and where still hanging on sony's promise of a spring launch, i think most people have gathered the fact that this point is moving closer to being untrue. With no REAL news on sonys console since last year hopes of an early launch are wearing a bit thin.
With the Xbox 360 now gathering reputation and momentum in the market, Sony has to have PLAYABLE games at E3, this is the only way to counteract the 360's market.
Of course PS3 does not need much to gather sales as it is a well known household name to casual and hardcore gamers alike, this will surely put sales in the millions within days. But to keep that sort of product selling it has to surpass features of the other 2 consoles in the market. PS3 has to offer 360 HD graphics, and inovative gameplay that will dramatically differ from that of the playstation 2, without this more money conscious gamers are going to seek the 360 or revolution.
At the moment the only real shots of PS3 that are from games in progress is Fight night round 3, and from early shots there near identical to that of its 360 counterpart, but going on that data and the fact i have played the demo for 360 it looks set that PS3 will be on and maybe over par of the 360's video processing power.
But as always playstation has filed us with useless features. Ok it would be cool if we could all afford 2 HDTV plasmas to dual output games on a 1080 picture. But its not going to happen, just like they say it can use 7 boomerangs at once, who's going to play on an odd fraction of you TV screen size. And going on that data what 3rd party games companies are actually going to spend the extra time utillising those features??
Time will tell, but its good to dream about what the playstation 3 could be, but then will it be more than just a graphics overhaul?

Thanks for reading!

Little about me

Little about myself

Well im 16 and live in the north of England. I love to play games on and offline. I collect all of the new systems and constantly upgrade my computer at present i have over 10 systems including;
Xbox, Xbox 360, Playstation, Playstation 2, Playstation Portable, Nintendo DS, Gameboy Advance SP tribal edition, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Gameboy Pocket, gameboy color, Genesis, Dreamcast and 2 PC's (one hugely powerfull.....one not)

My Computer is
Athlon XP 3200+
1GB Kingston Ram
MSI Geforce 6800GT 256MG
160GB 8MG Cache HDD
Audigy 2 Sound
5.1 System
And soon to be 19" TFT

My favourite games are,
Metal gear solid 2 (PS2)
GTA Vice city (PC)
Half life 2 (PC)
Max payne (PC)
Max payne 2 (PC)
Timesplitters Future perfect (Xbox)
PGR2,3 (Xbox, Xbox 360)

Most looking forward too;
Metal gear solid 4 rise of the patriods :D (PS3)
Gran turismo Vision (PS3)
Gears of war (Xbox 360)
Killzone 2 (PS3)
Ghost recon advanced warfighter (Xbox 360)
Fight night round 3 (Xbox 360)
Halo 3 :D (Xbox 360)
UT2007 (PC,PS3)
and hoping for a next gen Max payne and GTA

Im currently playing.
PGR3 (Xbox 360)
GTA liberty city stories (PSP)
POP: WW (Xbox)
Farcry instincts (Xbox)
Quake 4 (PC)
GMOD for half life 2 (PC)
Counterstrike Source (PC)

My first blog post =)

Well, i have never posted in this section of my profile before so i thought i would submit something.
I have recently bough an xbox 360 console and so i thought id give you a lowdown of the hots and nots of the system

Well i bought the system for £279.99 - $399.99 This is the premium package.
It contained:
Xbox 360 console (special chrome DVD drive)
HD AV Cables (not VGA)
1 Wireless controller
2x AA Batteries.
1 month of XBOX live
20GB HDD preloaded with Hexic HD

    Well i have bought PGR3 as my first game and its fantastic. At the moment im running it on a Samsung 28" widescreen 100hz TV (i need to upgrade =( )  And it still looks fantastic, the graphics in the garage are jawdroppng, and the replays even more so. One of the best features is the Gotham TV live part. This allows anyone to join a game as a spectator, like watching TV, it automatically selects live broadcasts from around the world which is great. This game is also full off great achievable achievements which gives you alot of G points for your gamerscore.

Well the system itsself is little smaller but much sleeker looking than the now outdated Original console. Its also much better equiped, the big drawback of the first XBOX was that it had no USB which hindered the Music playback option. Now with 360 you can stream nearly anything including your computer while playing games or through the main menu.
The best feature though is the guide button, so many options can be changed from a click of this button and can be done anytime anywhere on your 360. This includes you theme settings and music settings, you can browse you ipod on the guide and the HDD, you can go to the dashboard (main menu) by pressing y just like psp's home button. and by holding the guide button you have the option to switch on/off your 360.

Well its early days, so i cant tell you everything (still playing about) but it has froze once of twice but at the same part, if you view someones proile in PGR3's lobby the guide crashes, but updates are regular so it sould be fixed soon.
apart from that for the sake of 300 quid? buy it you dont have much to lose, its a fantastic bit of kit for your money and i am enjoying it throughly. Feel sorry for the old black machine collecting dust, feeling unused :)