Little about myself
Well im 16 and live in the north of England. I love to play games on and offline. I collect all of the new systems and constantly upgrade my computer at present i have over 10 systems including;
Xbox, Xbox 360, Playstation, Playstation 2, Playstation Portable, Nintendo DS, Gameboy Advance SP tribal edition, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Gameboy Pocket, gameboy color, Genesis, Dreamcast and 2 PC's (one hugely not)
My Computer is
Athlon XP 3200+
1GB Kingston Ram
MSI Geforce 6800GT 256MG
160GB 8MG Cache HDD
Audigy 2 Sound
5.1 System
And soon to be 19" TFT
My favourite games are,
Metal gear solid 2 (PS2)
GTA Vice city (PC)
Half life 2 (PC)
Max payne (PC)
Max payne 2 (PC)
Timesplitters Future perfect (Xbox)
PGR2,3 (Xbox, Xbox 360)
Most looking forward too;
Metal gear solid 4 rise of the patriods :D (PS3)
Gran turismo Vision (PS3)
Gears of war (Xbox 360)
Killzone 2 (PS3)
Ghost recon advanced warfighter (Xbox 360)
Fight night round 3 (Xbox 360)
Halo 3 :D (Xbox 360)
UT2007 (PC,PS3)
and hoping for a next gen Max payne and GTA
Im currently playing.
PGR3 (Xbox 360)
GTA liberty city stories (PSP)
POP: WW (Xbox)
Farcry instincts (Xbox)
Quake 4 (PC)
GMOD for half life 2 (PC)
Counterstrike Source (PC)
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