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furqan2006 Blog

Pirated Movies, is it ok to watch em.

I'm gonna be honest with you all, most of the movies i watched in the past were pirated. I've watched so many pirated movies that I felt like a cheap bastard when i was about to pay for one at a theater few months ago. Production companies are releasing more and more movies in 3D now but it doesnt seem to be working since Avatar was the most downloaded movie of 2010 before it was even released on the blueray. So i don't know, is it ok to watch a crappy pirated movie than to pay for it and afterwards regret it.

Summer's ending and so are the videogames for me:(

It's been a great summer. I got to play all the games that i ever wanted to play during this summer since i usually dont get anytime to play themthrough outthe college year. My whole summer basically consisted of videogames, job, chilling with friends, and going to gym....time well spent lol. Anyways if any of you get achance to read this, let me know about your summer. Farewell summer, see ya next yr. Later

Prince of persiaa

Watched prince of persia sands of time today and i must say, Disney did a good job of creating the movie which wasn't exactly true to the videogame but still a beautiful movie full of action. ill give it a 9/10, now i shall wait for the dvd version to be posted on torrent loool, anyone else watched it?

God of War 3 Demo

Finally i got to play the God of War 3 demo, and I gotta say it made me even more excited to get the a copy of the game when it comes out. The extra gory details, new sounds effects, and new moves are all looking better than ever. Btw these new weapons( pic below) are so fun to use and obviously more powerful than blades fo olympus. I'm planning to get the sepcial edition, cuz you know its the last one in its series so i dont wanna miss anything outt, If u havent played the demo, go download it right noww, laterrrr

Happy New Years (yea its too late)

Happy New Years, most of you won't even bother reading this but whatever had to write a blog about something. My marks from last semister actually made my year. I got 3 A, 1 B+, and one more I wont go there though. Anyways Happy New Years and good luck at your New Years Resolution, mine was lame though lol

Hey I'm still here

Wow its been a long time since i posted a blog. Well just wanted to say Hi and i'm still here, busy with college alot, good news is that its over on Dec 13th. anyways catch ya'll later.

New Start

Well here i go again, after struggling in university for an yr, i decided to change my program and move on to different program at Centennial College. Its still a 4 yr degree program, cost me alot too but i think ill be able to get far better grades than what i got in university.


Fight Night Round 4

Finally got to try Fight Night Round 4. This game is amazing from every angle. Great soundtrack, sick graphics, and addictive gameplay. I wish i had an eye toy cuz i really wanted to put my face into the game. Anyways Im stuck with the one i created. Im still learning the controls so i decided not to play online and get embarrassed. If you havent played this game, you have to try this. This might be my last game before college starts or I might get Dead Space which i heard is really good too. If you have fight night round 4 add me, we might play online someday. btw these are the games i finished this summer.

Metal Gear Solid 4, Infamous, Grand Theft Auto 4 and Resdient Evil 5.

Resident Evil 5

I think I'm the only one who plays a game when everyone is done playing them anyways rented Resident Evil 5. Even though I hadenough to buy a new copy, I still decided to rent it since it'll mostly takes about 7 days to finish it. First of all, Wow sick graphics. They payed so much attention to little things (disgusting things). I have to say, these were the best graphics I've ever seen since MGS4 on ps3. Did anyone else find this game to be less scarier than Resident Evil 4. I dont know maybe it was the addition of partnerinto the game or maybe the setting didnt suit the game. If anyone played this game could you please tell me how many hrs does the story takes to complete. Anyways I'm not done playingit still on Chapter 3 which is still pretty good for only 4 hrs on gamplay played. Btw I beated Infamous, still managed to get pretty good amount of trophies. If anyone have a ps3 let me knowyour ID, I wanna get more friends. Thnkx for reading.