@kwagmeijer @furqan2006 you really think all the pc gamers will wait for the price drops even if it was launched with the console versions, they look pretty damn impatient since they all signed the petition, if pc gaming is such a huge market then halo 3 or even gears of war 2 should've been released on it, there must be very good reason behind Microsoft backing off
@sniperwol_basic @furqan2006 yea you can say that but no one in their right mind would think that each one of those supporters will purchase the copy of gta5 lol
@sniperwol_basic @furqan2006 movie industry and gaming industry are actually very similar to each other, anyways its good that your willing to support the company even though the torrent is one click away from you lol
@eldak this could be said about many different products we use in the world, car rental also falls into this category. in the end companies don't care what you do with the product after you purchase it
@sniperwol_basic @furqan2006 eb games profits and a game developer's profits are two different things. think of it this way, if you buy a dvd and lend it to your friend to watch it, it doesn't mean your damaging the company
@sniperwol_basic @furqan2006 i play the games i buy and then i sell em back to the eb games, usually in a month or 2, so i get around $40 back, meaning i only spent around 20 for 2 months, not a bad deal ehh
@darth_3pio @furqan2006 @Imperiacommando nothing wrong with that, company made their profits on the very first sale, they dont give a shit if eb games make profits of it
@sniperwol_basic @furqan2006 ohh i know that, i did that to my ps2 but what happens after an yr or 2 your ps2 dies, so me wanting to risk my $400 console (ps3) at that time would be considered stupid
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