Hey everyone. I'm looking to get into the fighting genre. I've never really played any before, so I am expecting a heavy learning curve. Which fighting games are more user-friendly and which would you recommend a new player to start with? I don't have a preference for any series. I am a fan of DBZ, but after some research I've found that those games aren't up to par with other fighters on the market unfortunately. Thanks for your help!
furrball6's forum posts
I'm looking for an Action RPG for 360.
For example, i was thinking to choose one from this list of titles: Sacred 2, Dungeon Siege 3, Divinity 2 Ego Draconis, Fable 2, Hunted Demon Forge.
I'm looking for a funny game, possibly with a good amount of items (better if randomly generated). So i'm not interested in story, dialogues and this kind of things :)If you know one, are admitted also Arcade or Indie games!
You need Torchlight. Sounds perfect for you
A little help please guys. I'm about to get a rare new game for my Ps3 (rare being since the PSN hack my Ps3 has been collecting dust and i've been gaming on my 360 ever since) and I was wondering what should I get out of these two? either Infamous 2 or LA NoireHiramJ866
Having played and finished both, I enjoyed both of them a lot. LA Noire is on sale at Best Buy for $40 this week if that makes your decision any easier. You can't go wrong with either
1) Bayonetta
2) Dead Nation
3) Portal 2.. picked this one up because I saw it on sale for $40 and knew I would want to play it eventually :P
Local co-op means that you both are playing on the same console on one tv, presumably split screen. LAN/system link allows you to connect two seperate XBOX 360's to one another, each with their own tv, and play together like that. It's as if you were playing on the internet with someone, but they are really in the same room/house as you are. Hope this helps
I can't decide on getting either Bulletstorm(360) or Killzone 3, and by 'either' I mean that I can only afford to get one and the other may have to wait for awhile.
I have played the demos of both and I really like both games alot. I get games mainly for the single-player and I know that Killzone has a great single-player from KZ2 which I have but I have never finished it, as for Bulletstorm the story of the single-player seems very interesting to me and I would like to play it.
Soo the question comes down to which one, and I can only get one because I am without question getting Homefront(360) in a couple of weeks so please do not even try to change my mind about that.
That's a TOUGH choice that I am also debating myself right now. I think I am leaning towards Bulletstorm because it's something new that I have never played before and the Gears 3 beta doesn't hurt either. Killzone 3 is awesome too (judging from the MP and SP demos), but it may just have to wait a little while, because I know that will be active for a long time.
3D movies are on Blu Ray so the Xbox 360 cannot play these 3d movies as it does not have a Blu Ray drive. Black ops CAN be played in 3d with the glasses that come with your TV (the battery operated, stereoscopic high tech ones.. not the paper holographic red/blue ones). I know this from personal experience as I have a 3d TV and Xbox 360.
Hey everyone, I am looking for a PSN game. I currently have:
Super Stardust HD
Castle Crashers
Pixel Junk Shooters
I am open to any genre except tower defense. Just looking for a good quality game I can enjoy. Thanks!
My question is this... Should I play Dragon Age: Origins/Awakening if I plan on playing the sequel next March? I have a lot of games lined up for the next few months (Darksiders, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Metroid Prime Trilogy(1st 2 at least), Metroid Other M, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, SW:TFU II), and I was wondering if I should try and fit DA:O in there before I play DA:O II. AFter typing that list out, I just realized that DA:O could be a nice break from the action/adventure genre I seem attached to hehe. Thanks for your help guys and gals!
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