So far, a lot of other sites are giving a positive response to Windows 7. If all is true then I'll migrate from XP to Windows 7 when it gets a retail release or maybe after one service pack since Win XP support officially ends in 2014.
Well, it sounds very appealing except that bit about the refresh rate requirement of 120 Hz. I don't really want to change my LCD monitor since it's only 6 months old. Hmmm.... maybe I'll sell it then to get a new one.
8800 GT (G92) still gets the job done with a lot of current games like FO3, NBA 2k9 & Far Cry 2 as long as it's paired with a decent processor like an E7300, AMD X2 6000 or a C2Q like the Q6600. And this card can go all the way down to $100. Of course, let's not include GTA IV since it's not optimized very well, but still very playable at acceptable levels with an 8800 GT.
At least the AMD processor is no slouch. It's still not better than Intel but good nonetheless. For discerning consumers these numbers are important, if not crucial, to a purchase decision. For others though, both processors are good enough for most tasks which makes the price even more important in making a decision.
With the exception of Civ IV, all the games mentioned on this list were either installed on my system or are currently on my system and ran/run pretty well with some settings set on low. My specs are 512mb DDR RAM, Athlon XP 2200, GeForce FX 5500, Windows 2000. I guess for gamers that don't have the budget to upgrade constantly should look for gameplay first in a game instead of graphics.
The graph showed at the beginning of the article for me seems quite accurate in terms of how some people are quite enthralled when graphics or robots become more and more realistic to mimicking humans but when it comes to a point that the resemblance is near-perfect it becomes quite repulsive or unsettling. I think the negative feelings stem from fear since the limitations of computers and robots on being able to reproduce or replicate human action and behaviour is slowly reaching a point of near-identical or even identical quality to human action and behaviour. The consequences of being able to produce a video with comepletely rendered graphics of a human that looks perfectly realistic or creating a robot that looks, feels and acts like a perfectly normal human is truly disturbing. Why is it disturbing? I think with some imagination anyone can think of something dastardly to do with this kind of technology should technology reach that point wherein computers can render perfectly photo-realistic images of humans or when robots will have appearances perfectly identical to a normal human-being.
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