Well... The union's doing very well.
But nobody gives a crap. They just wanna post somewhere. So I'm not gonna waist your time with it.
I've had a really messed up sleeping schedule lately, and I've been tired a lot lately. With school starting in a few days I might want to fix this. Hmmm...
fynal_visionist Blog
First Day of Anarchy
by fynal_visionist on Comments
Things went well. 83 posts in the first day. Not magical but pretty good I guess. Should pick up in a few days or so, I'm hoping.
Anarchy Rises!
by fynal_visionist on Comments
Finally the union is up and under construction. I hate the four person requirement for charter members. If it were three instead, I would have had this board up three days ago. Feel free to post there if you find the time. Business is starting out slow but strong, and I hope it goes somewhere, but nothing's for sure. Go there and check it out if you feel like it.
by fynal_visionist on Comments
So I recently started posting at Kitties & Rainbows... Quite an experience. :P Think I'm gonna stick around. :wink:
Yep, did it
by fynal_visionist on Comments
Finally took the time to search out my game collection. It's all there, but seeing as it's so many games that I didn't pay for, and most I haven't played, there's probly one or two on the list that I don't have and a probly more that I do have but aren't on the list. It really pays to have a rich family... Heh, I'd probly have like 5 if I didn't... :P I'm so cheap...
Waited a day, and... nothing...
by fynal_visionist on Comments
Still waiting on my last damn charter member. God I hate these stupid union rules.
GameSpot is starting to lose a lot of its old luster. I'm actually getting tired of lurking the forums we all know. Could this be the end of my stay here?
GameSpot is starting to lose a lot of its old luster. I'm actually getting tired of lurking the forums we all know. Could this be the end of my stay here?
Three out of four...
by fynal_visionist on Comments
Well. Going well. Three out of my four needed charters from the original eight have singed on. So unless the next five people think I'm a complete ass, then this is going well. Sure it takes forever, but at least it's happening.
My new union: The Anarchy
"It's not for retards, really. It's only for selected GameSpot members who have been recognized as responsible or interesting posters, so we have no unnecessary posts or threads as a discomfort. Another reason is so that we are mostly all affiliated with eachother, so as to reduce arguementative content. Although debating is encouraged if desired, arguing isn't really what I'm going for. Pretty much it's so we have better posters and not spammers so we have less of a need for maderation to take place, which will be great compared to OT."
And enough of the influencial bullcrap. That's a description of the union, and if you want to join is up to you. If you want to stay in it, that's up to you not being stupid, or just being funny. Either one gets you in.
I want a fried chicken burrito.
My new union: The Anarchy
"It's not for retards, really. It's only for selected GameSpot members who have been recognized as responsible or interesting posters, so we have no unnecessary posts or threads as a discomfort. Another reason is so that we are mostly all affiliated with eachother, so as to reduce arguementative content. Although debating is encouraged if desired, arguing isn't really what I'm going for. Pretty much it's so we have better posters and not spammers so we have less of a need for maderation to take place, which will be great compared to OT."
And enough of the influencial bullcrap. That's a description of the union, and if you want to join is up to you. If you want to stay in it, that's up to you not being stupid, or just being funny. Either one gets you in.
I want a fried chicken burrito.
It recently occurred to me...
by fynal_visionist on Comments
It recently occurred to me that the automaticly set dates at the top of each entry don't work. Someone needs to stop procrastinating and do something about it sometime. Someone who isn't me, that is...
God, I've been waiting for the other seven charter members for like half a day, and I'm growing impatient already. I wish God didn't make stupid people. But he did. *sigh*
Sister's going to college. First day is on the 29th. In the mean time, my father and I configure a plot to move far, far away from this place to escape the evil midget clowns that beat you down in the Wal Mart parking lots on Thursays. They can really be a hassle sometimes... the little dickins...
Read that again... Holy crap... WTF did I just say? I've never said the word "dickins" before. :o
God, I've been waiting for the other seven charter members for like half a day, and I'm growing impatient already. I wish God didn't make stupid people. But he did. *sigh*
Sister's going to college. First day is on the 29th. In the mean time, my father and I configure a plot to move far, far away from this place to escape the evil midget clowns that beat you down in the Wal Mart parking lots on Thursays. They can really be a hassle sometimes... the little dickins...
Read that again... Holy crap... WTF did I just say? I've never said the word "dickins" before. :o
I've become what I hate
by fynal_visionist on Comments
I am now a moderator at Gamespot Gamers Union, also knows as the MAD Magazine Union... God I hate mods... and now I am one... Do I have to hate myself? Cuz I don't wanna.
Well I did not know that, dear God I am sorry...
by fynal_visionist on Comments
Never knew about the monkeys around Gamespot. Really strange, and I remembered that I saw one about a year ago here when I was a n00b at Gamespot, but I didn't know what the hell to do with a monkey at a gaming forum, so ignored it... Damn that really sucks. I COULD'A HAD A GS MONKEY! :cry:
EDIT: And now I know it's crap. God damn it. :?
EDIT: And now I know it's crap. God damn it. :?
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