people who give negative comment on Win 7 obviously haven't tried it. people just try the RC for free, its free until March or something and then you will realize that MS did a great job of this OS. oh and also make sure you at least have a descent computer. of course it will struggle on a crappy computer. if you have an old computer and cant afford a better one, then thats fine stick to XP, but please stop giving negative comments about a truly amazing OS.
lol @ dontshackzmii does your daily browsing happen around porn sites. cause those sites give you viruses and malware. I have had Vista installed for over a year now and I haven't had 1 single virus or malware or any other nasty stuff. If you have the right protection on your computer and browse safe sites I don't see why you would get viruses at all. unless someone is directly targeting you :P
SP2 has made Vista a very good OS. Still it eats a lot of RAM atm on idle Vista is eating 40% of my 4GB memory. But I still like the OS. I wont put Win 7 on just yet even though its very tempting. I will wait until I build a new PC hopefully next year. I have tried the RC of Win 7 and I really like it. By far Windows Millennium was the worst OS Microsoft ever made. That this was so horrible. I dont know if there was another worse than that but Millennium was really bad.
I wouldn't game on these regardless of if they have the capability to do so or not. I would rather game on large screen better graphics card so I can turn everything high and really experience it really well. But this is just me. Some people like gaming on these things, but I don't.
@maliGGs I have the 9800GTX+ and I can vouch for it that its a good card but in terms of price/performance the 9800GT wins. you get only an average of 10fps more with the 9800GTX+ over the 9800GT. but its hard to tell you what to get because your overall PC components can effect the overall performance.
for those that say these are expensive. get the 9600GT for $100. now thats not expensive and you wont be disappointed in the card. I have friends that have the 9600GT and they are really happy with the performance they are getting and the price they have paid. The 9600GT beats the 8600GT in the price/performance ratio.
@dawsonboy07 oh btw my card is the 9800GTX+ also you have to check your CPU too so you don't get a powerful card and find out later that your CPU is not powerful enough and it bottlenecks.
@dawsonboy07 well I can run Crysis at high settings, not ultra high with AA off and play it really smoothly with frame rates well over 30 which is good, and the game still looks amazing. if you want a real nasty powerful card wait till January 2009. Both Nvidia and ATI will release their new cards that are gonna be amazing.
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