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g4dgetpr0n Blog

Bored? indubitably....

Well, what do ya know? I'm here, bored, and completely severed from my Ps3... Why do you ask? Because my circuit breaker just gone done get broken'ed in that section of my house... I'm no manual electronic guru either, this could be a problem so it looks like I get to pleh some Halo 2 on my Mac... OMG, yes I know. Complete and total h4x. Ah yes, so just the current news and what-not. My electric is out for my Ps3, and I really don't feel like relocating my wall-mounted plasma to a different room, just to play my Ps3 or watch Blu-rays because I will probably lose my back in the process, and then I'll have to pay the electrician and the doctor because I'm so impatient and have a gaming disorder. So, alas, I move onward and forth to the good ole' Halo 2... HAHA YES!

Yes Indeed.

Finally! After my long wait. I've gotten MGS4!!!!1!11one!1! YES. IT. IS. ABOUT. TIME. So it looks like my weekend is pretty packed full of tactical espionage action... on my nice little 72'' HD wall-mounted plasma television with surround sound... AAAAAHHHH. Time to relax.

Took Long Enough?!

Yea, I finally decided to join. I could have a LONGtime ago but I kept putting it off so I'm a n00b so far...

I plan to be away a lot this summer so I might not get a lot done, but I'll try. So far I've done nothing at all. This weekend I'll fix things up nicely and get a little going so there's something to look at. Otherwise, there's going to be a beautiful blank page to look at :P