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A Month in Review 8/8/08-9/8/08

Hello everyone, it's been approximately one month since I last posted and I feel it's time for a fresh update. I'm going to proceed to execute this in a non-pretentious manner and shall list my accomplishes and new ventures below in a bullet esque format. Enjoy and game on!

  • From the last time I posted until about the 3rd week in August, I haven't gotten anything illustrious, exciting or new. I actually believe it or not started playing Call of Duty 3 and wrecked through the campaign mode finally. I then moved on to Splinter Cell: Double Agent and conquered that as well.
  • August 18th 2008-One of my co-workers let me borrow the first season of this show on NBC called "Heroes" and man I wish he didn't. Being a dire comic book fan (especially of the X-Men) I was instantaneously HOOKED from the 1st episode. Even after I gave it back to him I was compelled to download and watch the 2nd season and I am currently on the 3rd to last episode and am eager for the 3rd season to commence in another week and a half. I also ran into the graphic novel of Heroes in Barnes and Noble the other day and it was might-T HEFTY and I am thinking about checking it out as well. It's a kick ass show, and the drama and questions keep you satisfied and hooked from beginning to end.
  • August 31st 2008-I purchased Mercenaries 2: World in Flames for my 360 and I must say even though it has MAJOR physics flaws and some EA issues I have with it, the game runs and operates in a great fashion and allows for complete and utter DESTRUCTION. It especially is entertaining and can hold its own in co-op mode.
  • September 6-8thth 2008-I celebrated my best friend's 20th birthday and afterwards we went to Barnes and Noble to pick up a couple of graphic novels and books. I purchased 2 Batman graphic novels as well as a Star Wars: The Force Unleashed graphic novel and he got a crapload of books and graphic novels including X-Men:The Messiah Complex, all 3 Halo novels, a Star Wars novel, and just yesterday a Star Wars graphic novel about Darth Vader's uprising after Revenge of the Sith which I do say is interesting. I recently picked up the Punisher Max Vol. 1 graphic novel and it looks insanely brutal as can be expected.
***A Look Ahead: Next Tuesday most of us will be in the same place at one point or another picking up Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Hell, I know I'll be there along with my best buddy picking our copies up. Also I should be getting another Batman graphic novel in the mail on Monday entitled "Arkahm Asylum" which looks straigh up SADISTIC in more than one way. During the rest of the week however, I'm going to finish off Mass Effect and start up Lost Odyssey, which I just picked up yesterday as well. Mass Effect is highly addicting and I'm hoping Losy Odyssey will be the same because ohhh man 4 discs with no limits. That's like having your cake, eating it, and then taking that ILL hefty crap on the neighbor's lawn an hour later. Allrighty everyone, that's news in my life as of yet. Look for more posts in the future after I finish cumming all over The Force Unleashed and set my standards of pros and cons next time around.

Legends of the Spirit Swords

Well good day there yet again gamers of the world...It is 8/4/08 and I still can't believe the summer is more than halfway over already. We anticipate this time of year so much in the colder months and once it's here we are always somehow baffled and amazed at how quickly it flies by...

Well it's official, I am officially yet again addicted to Soul Calibur. The 4th installment has to be the most in-depth customization system a game in the franchise has yet to present to us offering us damn near unlimited customization. I have already mad 12 characters including The Joker, Dante, Altair, Chun-Li, Raiden (MGS2), Kratos, Hayabusa, and hell even the freakin' Shredder from TMNT. It's literally crazy thinking about how many unlockables there are in this area. Yesterday I swear I wokr up at like 10 and turned it on from 12:30pm and didn't shut it off until like 7pm. I'm hooked. Online mode is smoother than expected as well. My friend and I were laughing our asses off the other night at how hilarious some of the characters looked that we created including the infamous KLANSMAN LOLOL.

Next up on my list is I also purchased Resistance: Fall of Man for the now bargain bin price of $30. It too caught me off guard when there was now a rumble feature that was available via an update from the PSN. I will get hooked to that soon enough as well as the indeed worthy MGS4. I just finished beating MGS2 on Saturday and now I can finally begin my final quest in this 4th installment and see the finale of the Solid Snake era. *wimpers*

I am also trying to balance games equally on both my 360 and my PS3 as well. I started continuing my campaign in Ninja Gaiden II last night and got halfway through the 3rd Chapter. I am also going to start up playing my Wii again soon enough as well. As for now though Soul Calibur IV is dominating my soul...literally.

Allrighty, that's about it from me today, catch y'all later and game on!

Life in the Days of the PS3

Hey there fellow gamers out there. Well those of you who have been keeping track of my last blog probably are wondering if the upgrading seminar on removing and replacing a PS3 HDD was a success and I can proudly say yes it was. Not only did I save $20 on the price and pay $85 instead of $105 plus tax but it was overall an easy fluid moving process that took 10 minutes to perform at its maximum. My friend had some trouble with his and after a few hours of swearing and resentment and with a little help from papi's power tools he managed to remove the outer bay tray to replace the HDD.

My one concern and inquiry as many may have is how come when I buy a 160 gig HDD I only have 130 gigs available? I mean it's still a massive amount of storage but why the significant drop and loss of HDD? I mean the capacity even says on this new HDD 142 gigs. That's not only false advertising but a lack of potential in gaining back more customers. I just would like to know why this occurs. Is the rest of the space reserved for backup utility? Or does the software on the PS3 eat up that space?

Anyhow, I now have with 2 games (and 2 more after today) 125 gigs of free space available, and I'm sure I'll only have 120 gigs after today when I pick up Resistance and Soul Calibur IV. Now onto my next topic: I am purchasing Resistance today for 2 reasons. Now that I have a Dualshock 3 controller I can get to experience the game as it was meant to be played and now that it just dropped to $30 on Greatest Hits, who can resist that bargain. I really hope that Soul Calibur IV will live up to its hype and deliver the same kind of Soul Calibur experience the 1st and 2nd one had. Also the touch of Star Wars is always good. (Although I will never understand sabers vs. swords, but I will remain believing since the swords are mystical then perhaps they have a chance to repel a saber capable of cutting through even adamantium) Even though I have Soul Calibur III, I really never could get into it as I could with the 1st and 2nd. I really don't know why. Maybe it's because of the new story battle system or conquest modes, but nevertheless most of the games in the series shined in my eyes.

I'm now also zeroing in and coming one step closer to starting a campaign in Metal Gear Solid 4. I wanted to replay the first 3 before I could start the final chapter in the Solid Snake era, and right now I'm just about half-way finished with MGS2: Sons of Liberty. I'm about to fight the Harrier now and I can't wait until I get to the Solidus fight at the end MMM.

Allright gamer dudes, that's all thats news in my life for this week. I'll write back next week sometime with more of my gaming ventures and exploits. Until then be safe, stay cool, and keep on gaming.

Upgrading Seminar on HDD's

Hello to everyone out there in gamerland. Today is July 22nd 2008 and it is a very special day for me. Today is the day where my best friend and I venture to Circuit City and purchase a 160gig HDD to replace our 80gig HDD in our PS3's. I know I just recently purchased mine but get this. Not only did I get gimped out of the full 80 gigs, having it only have the capacity of 72 gigs, but now thanks to Metal Gear Solid 4 I now only have a whopping 58 gigs remaining. I also am going to get getting Heavenly Sword in a few days and that apparently takes up about 4 gigs of space. I also plan on getting Resistance: Fall of Man within the next month or so as well and that takes up another 4 or 5 gigs. So inevitably I'll have less than 40 gigs or so by the time fall comes and that's not something to be proud of when my Xbox 360 has well over 88 gigs strong and I have a gut feeling that this 160 gig HDD will go for a long time at least until next year when all the better games come out for the PS3. But today I feel like a real technician having to undergo taking apart and upgrading my PS3 with the help of my good friend.

I'll let you all know how it pans out next time around. Anyhow I've been getting into Uncharted like WHOA. I'm already on the 9th chapter but that will soon be reverted back to the 1st after I get my new HDD. Also Metal Gear Online is almost better than freaking Halo being that it's highly immersive and addictive to boot. Swaping between 1st and 3rd person perspectives kicks the most unholiest of asses.

Okay guys, I'll be back to post in a couple of days until then...


Too Little, Too Late...

Wow it's been too freaking long since my last post. I apologize anyone who kept up on my reviews and small blog posts that I have made in the past, but I apologize nevertheless.

Below is what has been new in my gaming realm. Enjoy!

1) I recently purchased and will finally obtain a Playstation 3, thanks to the oh so delicious Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. I managed to get the bundle pack for $500, which includes a copy of MGS4 as well as a new Dualshock 3 controller. Also I purchased an HDMI cable and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and Heavenly Sword to kick off my PS3 extravaganza.

2) I'm beginning to start the Metal Gear saga and legacy of Snake all over again and just recently finished conquering Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater yet again. Next up is MGS: Twin Snakes, and then MGS2: Sons of Liberty, followed up by the holy grail which is MGS4: Guns of the Patriots. MMMMM I can't wait!

3) I also just bought Soul Calibur on the Xbox Live Arcade and must say it has indeed aged more than well. With the lack of online multiplayer, which seems extremely necessary in this day and age, I can kind of forgive that with the roster and improved graphics and HD shine.

4) Ninja Gaiden II I got from my best bud on my b-day last month and I must say even though it's a lackluster sequel story and graphics wise, it still kicks the unholiest ass in the gameplay department. I'm currently on the 3rd chapter.

Well gaming afficiando's that about wraps it up for me now. Be sure to stay tuned as I will try my best to post weekly about my gaming exploits.


Been a While.....

Wow, it's been a while since I posted here on Gamespot, and man oh man have I been catching up with the news lately, and I must say I am impressed at the progress of certain aspects of gaming. These things being that the progress and effort games have been making and striving for, and actully pulling through, bringing us timeless and instant ****cs like God of War II. I recently picked this up and cannot put it down, even after I beat it. This game is just perfect in every single way. A lot of other titles I have been looking forward to also, and this is the best time of the year for new releases besides X-Mas. With titles such as Mass Effect, The Darkness, Guitar Hero II (360), Dark Sector, Assassin's Creed, Kane and Lynch: Dead Men, Spider-Man 3, Stranglehold, and Bioshock, there will be more than enough fuel to ignite the fire that burns passionately within every gamer's eyes to the magnificent array of diversity and unique aspects and moments to keep gamers alike amused and entertained until the final release of Halo 3. I must say though, what has had me pondering and wondering lately is that of which most, if not all, of of these games are being released on one specific console. Thats right the 360. Most of these games are 360 bound before they are ever hitting up the PS3. That just goes to show you how much Sony cares about exclusivity and longevity. With more and more exclusives being lost and switched from the PS3 to the 360 (Devil May Cry 4, Final Fantasy XIII), you have to wonder what will be next to drop from the PS3's slim list of exclusive titles, and head on over to the current dominator and powerhouse behind this next-gen console war? I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Metal Gear Solid 4 were the next ones to sail on over to the 360....Why you ask? It's not because I hate the PS3, it is because I feel that Sony has made an extremely huge mistake by not grabbing more exclusive titles, and making the PS3 so costly. Sure it has a Blu-Ray player inside of it, but who the hell gives a crap now...The technology is far too advanced for today's culture. DVD's are fine for this day and age, and people won't be craving anything else for a long, long LONG time. Now as for my opinions on the Wii, don't get me wrong, I love that console to DEATH, and it offers me nothing more than old school gaming, and interactive fun, but let's take off the gloves here for a minute and get real. The Wii will not start to get any popular titles until the next holiday season. The reason for this being simply that the titles that people want aren't ready to be released yet to the public, and when next November/December hits, and  Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and Metroid Prime: Corruption is knocking at our doors, people are going to be knocking down local game retailers for a piece of the action. Right now it is a dry time for the Wii as well as the PS3, and with the PS2's life coming to a close, just as the original Xbox and Gamecube have, the only real winner and leader so far in this console war has to be the 360 hands down. Well, thats all for now folks, enjoy your games, live life for the moment, and kick ass on a daily basis....This is gameman, lattttaaaaa!!! :-D

Welcome to the Next Generation.....

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to state that we are now in the next generation of gaming. Since the launch of the Xbox 360, we can now see the true epic power that the next generation has in store for us all. With the start of the 360, and the PS3 and Revolution on their way, I am looking forward to many more amazing and breathtaking next-gen games coming out later this year such as Gears of War, The Elder Scrolls IV, Superman Returns, Splinter Cell: Double Agent, Prey, and of course with the help of the almighty GOD himself, Halo 3...Which may now be titled "Forerunner"....I honestly do not care what they name the title, as long as it is Halo.....I leave you now with an interesting thought.....Where will the capacity and the impact of realism in video games take us 5 years from now?

kicking some ass...

sup everyone...just wanted to give a shout out to Gamespot for having a kick ass format for user profiles, and that i am having a ball with my new Xbox 360, and other games I just got as well. Today it snowed, and I got jerked out of a snow day, but I took the day off anyway. Oh well, maybe it will snow again before Friday, and hopefully on X-mas. Gotta love those white Christmas'...aight peeps, ill holla back lata......peace 8)