gAmEmAn69 / Member

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Been a While.....

Wow, it's been a while since I posted here on Gamespot, and man oh man have I been catching up with the news lately, and I must say I am impressed at the progress of certain aspects of gaming. These things being that the progress and effort games have been making and striving for, and actully pulling through, bringing us timeless and instant ****cs like God of War II. I recently picked this up and cannot put it down, even after I beat it. This game is just perfect in every single way. A lot of other titles I have been looking forward to also, and this is the best time of the year for new releases besides X-Mas. With titles such as Mass Effect, The Darkness, Guitar Hero II (360), Dark Sector, Assassin's Creed, Kane and Lynch: Dead Men, Spider-Man 3, Stranglehold, and Bioshock, there will be more than enough fuel to ignite the fire that burns passionately within every gamer's eyes to the magnificent array of diversity and unique aspects and moments to keep gamers alike amused and entertained until the final release of Halo 3. I must say though, what has had me pondering and wondering lately is that of which most, if not all, of of these games are being released on one specific console. Thats right the 360. Most of these games are 360 bound before they are ever hitting up the PS3. That just goes to show you how much Sony cares about exclusivity and longevity. With more and more exclusives being lost and switched from the PS3 to the 360 (Devil May Cry 4, Final Fantasy XIII), you have to wonder what will be next to drop from the PS3's slim list of exclusive titles, and head on over to the current dominator and powerhouse behind this next-gen console war? I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Metal Gear Solid 4 were the next ones to sail on over to the 360....Why you ask? It's not because I hate the PS3, it is because I feel that Sony has made an extremely huge mistake by not grabbing more exclusive titles, and making the PS3 so costly. Sure it has a Blu-Ray player inside of it, but who the hell gives a crap now...The technology is far too advanced for today's culture. DVD's are fine for this day and age, and people won't be craving anything else for a long, long LONG time. Now as for my opinions on the Wii, don't get me wrong, I love that console to DEATH, and it offers me nothing more than old school gaming, and interactive fun, but let's take off the gloves here for a minute and get real. The Wii will not start to get any popular titles until the next holiday season. The reason for this being simply that the titles that people want aren't ready to be released yet to the public, and when next November/December hits, and  Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and Metroid Prime: Corruption is knocking at our doors, people are going to be knocking down local game retailers for a piece of the action. Right now it is a dry time for the Wii as well as the PS3, and with the PS2's life coming to a close, just as the original Xbox and Gamecube have, the only real winner and leader so far in this console war has to be the 360 hands down. Well, thats all for now folks, enjoy your games, live life for the moment, and kick ass on a daily basis....This is gameman, lattttaaaaa!!! :-D