well im home today cuz were doing westling in gym and when i went to pin someone they put there knees in the way, it hurt alot cuz i jumped on him. i think i may of broken a rib or 2 cuz it hurts to breathe and laugh. anyways im just relaxing and having a bleach marathon. i havent watched it in a bit so im getting caught up. ive also been playing Wii sports and twilight princess allday. todays been pretty sweet.
i got my midterm marks last week and my average is 70.3!! i was so happy cuz last year my average was 50.7 which made me feel stupid.
i also got a HDTV on monday. its sooo sweet. i was playing gears of war all night. i cant wait to get call of duty 3 so i can see it in high def.
well christmas is pretty soon. i gotta give my lists 2 my parents so they know what i want. i really want to get call of duty 3, naruto:uzumaki cronicles, need for speed:carbon, a digital camera, a cell phone, and a new guitar. it sucks cuz ill only be able to get 2 or 3 things off that list cuz i needed to borrow money to get the Wii.
my school basket ball team was made and are first game is next week. i dont know who its against yet but ill keep those who are interested updated
also my grandma is back from her trip. im happy:D, i missed her. well this means that i can start on the banners and sigs some of you have asked me for. they should all be done in the next week or so and i will send them to you.
well this was a long blog but i had some time today. now im bored:(. well ill talk to all of you who care later. good bye.